Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Dear Friend,

Yes, I did it!  And I am inordinately proud of myself!  I didn't do any writing today, but I did do some reading, not a lot but some, on the topic I am writing about.

I got a message from my niece around 1:30 in the morning asking me for help in a discussion she was having with a friend of hers who is an atheist.  So, I wrote a long, but terribly interesting - honestly! - response because he was saying all sorts of ugly, misinformed, ignorant things about God.  So I wrote  a long thing about Job and the whole council opinion heaven where Satan and God talk about God.  Pearls, I'm telling you!  Pearls!  I wrote until 3:30 and then finished up and went to bed and was actually asleep by 4:00 am.  I slept till noon and then had to rush to get to a 1:00 doctor's appointment.  So, I get there and it turns out that my appointment is for the NEXT day!!  I was 24 hours early! :-). They had me see the main doctor who is back now and we went over a few things.  Then I went ahead and had the saline infusion with vitamin B12.  She said she didn't want to make any changes to my anti-depressants, but she did add a supplement that is supposed to be very helpful with reducing yr REM sleep and increasing your deep, restful sleep.  I've taken it tonight. I don't expect any immediate effect.

Then I ate lunch at a diner and went to the Jazzercise class!  So glad!  It felt really good and I was able to modify everything so that I really took it easy on the tendons and things.  I worked up a sweat even though the studio was FREEZING cold!  I have decided to stay home from yoga tomorrow.  Not sure if that's the right decision, but I think it is.  I'm a lot weaker than I realized and had a hard time in the yoga class, especially because of my arm.  Switching from the downward dogs to lunges and all was hugely difficult.  Then tonight, we did some work with hand weights.  I had to put the weights down at one point because it was really hurting, but overall I was pleased with what I could do.  But I think it's best that I give everything a day off.  Then go back on Thursday and Friday.  I still have to go back to the doctor's office tomorrow for the actual visit that I showed up for today.  But other than that, I can stay home and work on things here.  We are hosting a dinner next week and I really need to get my china moved into the dining room china cabinet and my milk glass moved into the china cabinet in the living room.  I got a message today from the designer asking if she could come take pictures of the rooms.  She is still hoping to get a piece into Southern Living about it.

My husband comes back tomorrow night from his conference he's been at.  Can't wait for him to get home.  And my best friend had surgery today and it went well, so that's good.

My arm is really hurting this evening.  Not terribly ... But it's not good either.  I'm going to have to go get that Bio-Freeze on it before I go to sleep.

I've picked a prolotherapist.  It wasn't hard, really.  This one is in Manhattan and I am hoping to be able to drive there.  I'll have to call tomorrow and get an appointment.

So, that's my news for the day.


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