Sunday, January 4, 2015


Dear Friends,
Tomorrow is indeed the day, and I've shot myself in the foot already.  It's almost 2:00!  I AM going to go to yoga tomorrow at 11:00 no matter what!  But I've gone and stayed up too late again.  Not from internet surfing, at least.  But I checked my Facebook and there was in my news feed a forward of a post be Carmen something-or-other, the Christian singer who was really popular in the '80's and did the song about Lazarus.  If you've never heard that song, you have GOT to go find it on you tube and listen to it.  No, wait.  I'll find it for you.... Okay, here you go.  You'll have chills, I promise you!

Anyway, he has some post about how more whites are being shot than blacks and blah, blah, what are we going to do about it now?  Well ... you know that got me all stirred up and, you know I wrote in a long response! And then my niece wrote a reply to my comment which I didn't really understand, so I added some more!

So, here it is, almost 2:00 am.

The good news is that I have everything ready to go tomorrow and have a super good schedule worked out.  I visited a Catholic Church this evening.  There was no music whatsoever, so it was kind of dry. Then I went to the health food and picked up dinner for me and my daughter and we watched the second How to Train Your Dragon which was really good.  :-)

And now, because I KNOW you want to read it ( surely!) I'll share with you what I wrote.

Your missing the point.  Black citizens are being treated in a way that white citizens would not.  Watch this video before you justify yourself in thinking black Americans can get over this by spouting some statistics at them! This guy was just walking around the store with a pellet gun he picked up on the toy aisle.  All he is doing is STANDING THERE TALKING ON THE PHONE WHEN HE IS GUNNED DOWN!! And now they know that the white police officer's testimony was a lie.  Will he be charged with perjury?  Don't make me laugh!  He's white!  Or, if that's not enough for you, read this report I submit to you that a white boy playing with a gun would not have been shot and killed sitting on a swing set in a park!  To make it more interesting, find the actual transcript if the call that yr

Wait!  Where's the rest of it?? Here it is ... 

To make it more interesting, find the actual transcript if the call that was placed and then how the dispatcher reported it.  THESE THINGS HAVE GOT TO BREAK YOUR HEART!  Please read these articles from Christianity Today by black pastors if you want to better understand what is going on. A very naive white woman recently posted on Facebook that all you have to do is obey the law and nothing will happen to you.  NONSENSE!!!  And we can't spout NONSENSE if we're Christians!  We are commanded to "do justly" and "love mercy" in Micah 6.  And James 2:12-13 tells us that judgment without mercy will be given to those who are not merciful and that MERCY TRIUMPHS OVER JUSTICE!  How is mercy trumping your idea of justice when you look at these killings? 

So ... that's it for me.  Good night!


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