Saturday, January 10, 2015

Day 164 - Doldrums

Dear Friends,

Well, I've been kind of down for the last few days.  I didn't make it to yoga on Friday or today.  My own fault.  You have to make it happen, and I just didn't do it.  Haven't written any the last few days, either.  But I did ... hmmmm ... well, no.  Just really haven't accomplished much of anything.  I've cooked a couple of really good, healthy meals the last two nights.  And we went to see "Selma" tonight.  My!!  Best movie, best actor, best supporting actress, best director, best screenplay!   Seriously.  It was fantastic!

So, tomorrow is a new day.  Three goals for tomorrow.  One is to finish with all of the Christmas decorations and get them all put up and arranged downstairs in the basement.  Two is to take a long walk.  Do you know I haven't gone on a single walk since we got here?  Three is going to church.  Getting my Biboe read early in the day, also.  I'm in Exodus right now where God is giving Moses all the directions for the temple, which is tedious reading.  He's about to go down and find the people committing idolatry, so there's nothing boring about that.

At the yoga class that I did go to, though, I felt this strong sense that I was going to find healing there.  The same thing at the Jazzercise class.  I found myself thinking this evening, "You can do this" and actually believing it.


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