Sunday, January 25, 2015

Da 149 con't - Historic Blizzard Coming Our Way!!???!

Dear Friend, 

Oh, my gosh.  My daughter said she wanted a blizzard, but the one coming is supposed to be, perhaps, the worst ever.  We're right in the area that is supposed to be hardest hit.  I've been reading on blizzard preparedness and how to let your pets go to the bathroom during a blizzard!  They want everyone off the roads tomorrow by 1:00 pm so that people needing to get home can do so and they can be treating the streets.  I'm supposed to buy a gallon of water for each person for at least three days, and I presume some for the pets.  Fill the tubs and sinks with water.  I'm going to try to go to jazzercise in the morning and to the chiropractor! I've been in a lot of pain.

So, signing off for the day.

Stay warm!

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