Monday, January 5, 2015

Day 169 - First Day Did Not Go So Well!

Dear Friends,

I hate say this but ... confession is good for the soul, right?  Here's what happened.  I couldn't sleep.  At all.  I guess I tensed up because I've been waiting for this day for so long and it was finally here!  So, I couldn't sleep?  I'd almost drift off and then would have kind of like a spasm that would wake me all the way up again.  I didn't get to sleep until, are you ready for this?  6:00 am!  Aaargh!  I turned off my alarms and didn't set any others and finally went soundly to sleep.  I woke up at 12:00, but I could only see the 2:00, so I thought it was 2:00 in the afternoon!  I was fairly upset by this.  A level of upset that could only be countered by lots of Facebook time!  After a while I realized it was 12:00 not 2:00 and felt a little better.  Then it became a matter of trying to figure out how to redeem what was left of the day.  I thought that writing and going to yoga were the two main challenges of the day, so that's what I went after.  I started working on my article that I started a couple of weeks ago and then left to go to a 4:30 yoga class.  I loved the place and it is actually quite close to where I live.  The teacher was lovely and started the class with a poem she read that was, you know ... okay.  The class was difficult for me because of my right arm, but I hung in there and finished the class.  I couldn't do the shiv asana well because  I couldn't get my arm in a place where it didn't hurt.  BUT ... I went!  Broke down that barrier, found the place and went inside and did it.  So I'm pleased about that.  But, my abdominal scars from tumor removal are hurting.  Weird, huh?  It's like I stretched the scars are really hurting.

I came home and worked some more on the article.  I don't know that I got two hours of writing in, but probably at least an hour and a half.  So that's a start on attacking and forging ahead to get the new life I want. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

I have printed off the voucher I had for the jazzercise classes and got the address in my head.  The class I want to go to is at 10:15.

It would have been naive of me to think that this would be easy.  But I'll try again tomorrow.  In the epmeantime it's now 10:46 and I have to shut the house down for the night.  That means folding the whites and putting them up, taking t the darks and complaining that I out them on to dry when I wouldn't be here to take them out.  Now I'm going to have to fluff the shirts and pants, but that can wait till tomorrow.  But I do need to get the stuffed animals I washed out of the washing machine and start them drying.  Chessie has peed in at least two places to be cleaned up.  The downstairs needs to be swept at least some because I took down the Christmas tree and garlands and there are tons of needles everywhere.  The cleaners come tomorrow, but I don't want to leave them with THIS huge of a mess.  The kitchen is a mess because I made us large salads and used a lot of herbs, so now it's kind of all over the place in there, plus the food was delivered today and I still have some of it to put up.  Then I have to take the trash out, take a bath and wash my hair and get ready to head out tomorrow.  It's almost 11:00, so that looks like going to sleep at 1:00 which isn't good.  Hmmmm.  I guess I'd bey her get up and get moving, then!  I won't be getting on Facebook any tonight, that's for sure!


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