Friday, January 2, 2015

Day 172 - How Did It Get to Be 1:00 am!!

Dear Friends,

Best laid plans!!  We went out on a date night tonight and saw The Imitation Game!  Wow!  Benedict Cumber... Cumberbunch?  No.  Cumberbatch?  Oh, well.  You know who I mean, for Best Actor!  But, it was a sad and depressing film the way it ended.  It just broke my heart.  See we watched a House when we got home to set a little better tone for the evenings. Though Cutty is still mad at House for lying to her about the patient he was sure had Hepatitis C.  Just shows they have men writers, because no woman would have actually acted the way she did.  BUT, ANYWAY...!

I decided to get in bed with my husband while he fell asleep before taking a bath and washing my hair.  And that was at least an hr and a half ago.  I got to obsessing over cleaning out my inbox for some reason, oh yeah.  To find one email to send one message only to find that the email I had was a "no-reply" address.  So, I did deleted things and answered some old emails for too long.  I hate it, later, when I get caught up in my OCD.  Then I paid some bills and then started looking for drinking glasses.  Just drinking glasses.  I've picked out flatware and dinnerware and am now looking for glassware.  But I want something really nice for a really ordinary price!  I found exactly what I want, for $10.00 a glass, like thats's ever going to happen.  Anyway, apparently in spent way too long on it, though I do think I finally found something that will work nicely at Crate & Barrel and is on sale.

But here is it, 1:13 am, and I have yet to take my bath!  Anyway, on to telling you about my day, because I know you can't wait to hear about it!  (There should be an emoticon for sarcasm.)

Well ... I mopped the entire family area and tore up this darn shoulder and bicep again.  It hasn't exactly healed, but it was doing better.  But now this bicep tendon is killing me!!  I also planneda week's   worth of menus from my new Williams-Sonoma cookbook.  Then I worked on placing a big grocery shopping order.  Had to modify it several times before I finally got it right and submitted it.  Then I realized my husband is going to be GONE most of next week to a conference and I am sure not cooking like that for myself and my daughter!  So I had to go back online and delete a whole ton of things!  I'm just glad I realized this so a lot of produce didn't go bad.

I'm reading The Belly Fat Diet and it is really sounding good.

That's it for me.  I am taking down the Christmas tree tomorrow no matter what!


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