Sunday, January 18, 2015

Day 156 - Evaluating Week 2

Dear Friends,

This has been a rough week, as evidenced by my failure to post.  I was two minutes too late to get into a yoga class and didn't try again, though it did go ahead and buy ten classes.  I only made it to one jazzercise class because I was accosted by a homeless man who needed some help and I had to go to my bank to get money and had to have a HUGE fight with them to be able to withdraw money from my account because I didn't remember a password I had set up!  And I couldn't change my password unless I remembered the old one and I couldn't get rid of the password unless I remembered it! They actually were not going to let me cash a check!!!  Oh, my gosh!  Let's just say ... uh, yeah they did!  Anyway, class was over by the time all that got taken care of and I didn't try to go again.

I had a lot,of,problems with doctor's appointments this week.  I won't go into it all, but I probably spent almost three hours on two occasions waiting for doctors who didn't show up.  That kind of cut into my exercise time!

I've cooked very healthy meals and am staying off the sugar.  I think I've lost some weight, but I'm still too scared of the scales to check!

I am ending this week with my downstairs quite clean and my upstairs picked up nicely, except for the unpacked rooms, of course.  I got Christmas packed away and stored and organized in the basement.  This entailed moving tons of things which really hurt that right shoulder again.

I've had one important meeting with the caterers that went well.  I'm doing better about keeping things picked up and not leaving a mess behind me.

My article I sent to Christianity Today was rejected.  Darn.  Almost all of the laundry is finished with the exception on one load of darks.  I got some blouses steamed today, but a fuse blew somewhere and my steamer wouldn't turn back on.  Then I did some ironing, but that fuse blew and I couldn't iron anymore.  But, I'm still glad to have made a start.

I have started taking the cortisone prescription yesterday and today.  I am still sleeping twelve hours, but during the course of the day I am feeling MUCH better and functioning way better.

I have planned my menus for this next week and have part of the grocery order ready to go.  Should finish it tomorrow.

So, in all, I'm still moving the right direction.  Writing and working out are still being difficult for me, but I knew they would.

I hope you have a great week and that you are able to enjoy a day off tomorrow.  If you haven't seen "Selma," MLK Day would be a great time to go see it!


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