Saturday, January 3, 2015

Day 171 - Taking Down the Christmas Tree

Dear Friends,

Well ... last night did not go well AT ALL!  I woke my husband up blow drying my hair and he couldn't get back to sleep.  My right shower and arm were KILLING me!  The bicep tendon was even spamming, so I couldn't go back to sleep.  He got up and read in the recliner finally, and I settled in on two pillows, with the heating pad behind my shoulders, my arm sprayed down with Bio-Freeze and wrapped up with a tension bandage.  I got back on my iPad and, lo and behold ... I found the glasses I wanted for a much more reasonable price and one I'm willing to pay.  I usually buy the super cheap glasses, but they are so thin that they break super easy.  So I'm willing to put a little more money in for these heavier, but very pretty glasses.  I've tried to add pictures before, unsuccessfully.  I think I'll give it another try, though.  Here goes.

Nope.  I wonder what I'm doing wrong?

I'm going to try one more thing.

Yes!!didnt need it to be so huge, thgh.  What's up with that?  Anyway ... pretty, huh?

So, I finally got to sleep between 3:30 and 4:00 this morning.  Not the way I wanted things to go.  I had set my alarm for 9:30 and I heard it go off once and hit the doze, and then apparently just slept through it entirely until it quit after an hour and a half.  I had it on music instead of an alarm which may be why I was able to sleep through it.  Darn, darn!  So, I didn't wake up until 11:00.  Double darn.

But ... today was a new day, even if it did start out much later than I intended.  I worked all day on taking down the Christmas tree, an onerous task not made any easier by needle-sharp pine needles on my dried out tree.  Plus the fact that almost all of ornaments are unique and have to be packed up specially.  I don't actually use very many bulbs at all.  So, each year I open up the big tote and see all these individual boxes and tins and what have you, and I can't remember how to get all the ornaments back into everything!  It's like having to re-work a jigsaw puzzle every year.  So, this year I have written on each container exactly what goes in it.  This should make things a lot easier next year, but it doubled the onerous nature of the job!  And I'm not even through yet.  There are probably still about a dozen ornaments that I haven't figured out how to pack up yet.  And I'm pretty much out of boxes and metal tins.  I must have re packed everything more conservatively this time.  I also managed to drop a very expensive Swarovski star ornament, probably worth around $80.  It fell on the velvet Christmas tree skirt, but managed to break into three pieces despite the soft landing.  I'm saving them and taking them to the jeweler to see if he can repair it for a reasonable price.  I know that there is stuff out there that is used on glass, but it's a pretty involved process if I recall right.

We all went out to dinner tonight to our favorite Chinese-Japanese fusion restaurant.  They have a salad that has papaya, jicama, and mango on lettuce with a peanut dressing that is delicious!  I think I could eat it everyday.  And they have a wonderful coconut curry shrimp soup with rice noodles and bean sprouts that I get every time.

I am determined to quit shopping in bed on my iPad.  Dare me?  Think I can do it?  I did just a little bit tonight.  (Wish I hadn't thought about that soup.  Now I'm hungry!). I did get caught up spending time looking for a particular type of glass, but they are too expensive ($12) and only hold 9 ounces.  But it opened u a whole new world of antique glassware that I didn't know about!  And, you know ... that's JUST what I needed!

Then I looked for curtain rods for my husband's study.  His curtains have been made, but I haven't gotten any rods in.  I did a fair amount of work on this when I came across something called hinged curtain rods.  They close together in the middle of the window, so they look like a regular curtain rod.  But they are two pieces hinged on the side, so you can just open them up.  This is probably what I should get because that's how these windows work.  The screens are on the inside and hinge out wards, then you can adjust the window the way you want it and close the screens back up.  They are delightful!  They make you feel like you are at a lodge or camp or something.  I have to do some measuring tomorrow, but I think that's what I'll be using for three of the windows and a regular rod for the one wide window.  Now I just have to find clip on rings to match.

We had a lot of snow today.  It was so beautiful!  Huge flakes the size of quarters.

You are never going to believe this, but it is 12:00 and I am ready to say goodnight and go to bed!

Oh, my husband is leaving for the conference tomorrow, so I'm going to check t this one other church that someone recommended to us.  Unless they meet at 9:30 or something like that.


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