Monday, May 5, 2014

Day 8 - Still Can't Wake Up in the Mornings

Dear Reader, 

I don't know what I'm going to do about waking up in the mornings.  I still just can't hardly do it.  My alarms went off at 8 this morning, but it was 10 before I could fully rouse myself.  By the way, have you noticed that spellcheck is getting bizarre?  I put in a wrong letter in "rouse" and it substituted "Roosevelt" for the word!  

I used a stop watch to time myself on things this morning and learned that things take me a lot longer to do than I thought.  Like I thought it took me 20 minutes to get dressed, put on my make up and fix my hair.  But this morning it took thirty minutes, and that was with just putting my hair in a bun and not rolling it or anything.  Good to know.  

I went with my mother to a neurologist today.  She was in a pretty cranky mood when I got there and she came Clifton (okay, there, I was writing "close" but pushed the space key before I hit the "e", so it turned it to "Clinton"!). Anyway! I got her to stay and! thankfully! he seems to be a really good doctor and even had her laughing!  And that is a FIRST!

I got home and had two hours to get some work done.  Decided to tackle all the filing in my study. Emptied out boxes and sorted everything on my son's bed.  Had to leave it in a million stacks because we were hosting a dinner.  

I went downstairs and talked with the chef who told me he had lamb chops for me to eat.  I've been allergic to lamb for years and it's on every single list.  The person in charge of the dinner went to some lengths to get all of my allergies for him, but apparently he didn't look at anything and just decided to wing it. I couldn't believe it.  He started saying, well, I was told you were allergic to beef and pork, but that was all ...ime it's my fault that I'm allergic to lamb!  I just said, well, the fish store is right up the street and you can use my kitchen and I'll leave you to figure it out.  He did go get me some fish and cooked it somewhere. C'mon, people!  This is a life-threatening condition!  It's not like I do this just to inconvenience you or because I just don't LIKE something!

The dinner was great, though, and we had a wonderful visit with many members of our faculty which was wonderful.  Before I went to bed I tried to get the filing, which was still all over the bed, finished up since I have to show the house tomorrow again.  But my husband wanted me to come on, so here I am.  Finishing my bath and writing this in the tub so I, hopefully, don't wake him up.  

At this rate I am neither going to be ready to move IR have my life rebooted!  Although I am at least making progress towards finding out about health problems.  I called and left a message with my cardiologist about calling my physical therapist and that time is of the essence, so hopefully that will get moving.  And I did do a little more towards finding our son a car.  So, altogether, not a great day or a wasted day.  I have to give another dinner tomorrow night, so not a whole lot will get done, but I'm going to give a big push to exercise and finish the dad gum study!!!



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