Monday, May 19, 2014

Day -6 - AWFUL Day!

Dear Reader,

This has not been a good day ... at all!  My plan for yesterday actually went pretty well.  I even did have a very nice visit with my mother!  It was 1:00 am before I got into bed, though, because I got caught up in taking care of a lot of things in my bedroom and bathroom.  None of it was important, just odds and ends. But, I was tense about the movers coming this morning, and so I couldn't go to sleep until around 4:15 this morning, which is pretty bad, even for me.  I left a huge list for my housekeeper to take care of as soon as she got in this morning.  And then I left a note on the door for the movers telling them that no one ever got in touch with me to set things up with me, so if they got here before 10:00, they would have to wait.  So ... my husband calls at 8:30 (!) and says they're at the gate and I have to let them in!  Then, as I was getting into some clothes, they called saying, "Oh, we just saw your note. That's fine.  We'll just wait till you're ready for us."  But by that time I was already out of bed and awake, so I let them in. 

Everything in our house is real tangled up with things that belong to the university, which I made clear to the company when they came in to evaluate the job.  But, they aren't the ones who come in to do the work.  So, I have lots of areas in the house ready to go.  All of the dining room.  All of the parlor, and everything in the living room except for the armoire because there are boxes set up in front of it and I cant get to it until the they were moved.  I also had a lot of tea sets in the kitchen and pictures in the hall, and a lot of other things.  But, then I found them just heading all over the place packing willy-nilly.  So, I had to tell them that they had to only pack what I showed them and then ask me before they moved on to something else.  I mean ... they were packing up my kitchen when I'm going to be living here for two more weeks!  Well, one guy didn't like being told how to do things and there was a little bit of chest-butting which, well, I won ultimately by telling him he either did it my way or he had to leave.  He said okay and I went on down to the basement and after a while, the boss showed up!  I'm, like, wha-a-a-a-t???  So I explained to him that no one told me they were coming, this isn't a typical move and I realized that they are used to just coming into a house and following their noses, but it wouldn't work here.  And, also, that the regional boss had told me that they would start with the basement, so that was what I had been working on.  I could stay ahead of them, but they had to follow me, not expect me to follow them.  So, we got it worked out.  But I have to have the basement ready for them completely tomorrow, and it's SOOOO GROSSSSS down there!  The floors are not thoroughly dry, and there's pools of water and so many spider webs and dirt everywhere and on everything!  The walls are limestone and they just crumble down on everything.  It's awful.  I got a lot done down there today before I just couldn't stand it any longer and came up stairs.  I am out of fruit, so I can't even make a fresh thing of Master Cleanse, and I decided I was too stressed out to be hungry, too.  So I came up and made a bag of vegetables with black beans, green beans and carrots; and then heated up a bag of new potatoes.  I wanted something sweet and found a tiny bit of gluten-free chocolate chip cookie dough in the refrigerator and cooked six little-bitty cookies. 

I watched a Nashville and it's basically time to go back down into the basement.  BUT I DON'T WANT TO!!!  WAAAAH!  And now I'm hungry and I just want to go eat a bunch of food!  Oh, and ... I've chewed off most of my nails at this point, which is a pity because they were looking so good.  So, that's my day and my evening.  Everything's a mess and I'm a bit of a wreck. 

Moving is never easy.  But I've made a decision ... I'm NEVER moving again!  They are going to have to pry this new home out of my cold, dead fingers! 



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