Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Day 6 - How Am I Going to Leave My Kids??

Dear Reader,

I saw a slight hiccup in our plans today. We're leaving our kids behind!  Of course, this has been an issue since we started this journey, but it hit me fresh today.  I love that our daughter has gotten her own apartment and moved out.  She's 23 and this is a natural progression.  Our son is ready to move out if the recovery house and is talking with some friends about sharing an apartment.  This, also, is a good thing and a natural progression.  And he will do well to become more independent and more self-reliant. The two of them are having lunch together sometimes downtown. So that's good, too.  But I'm afraid I'm going to get up there and suddenly miss them horribly and freak out!  Our daughter wants to come up as soon as I'm at least a little settled.  I know she'll LOVE everything about it!  

I called the cardiologist again and left a detailed message about why she needed to call the physical therapist.  And I called today to see if some cars they are waiting on got in yet, but they haven't.  They're still being worked on.  I got virtually nothing done in the study today because we had a farewell reception this afternoon that took up about three hours.  But I did get a dab done ... and ... I EXERCISED!  And it was AWFUL!!  I've already lost a lot of strength in just a couple of weeks!  I've been hurting a lot this evening and have spent some time in the tub this evening going between hot and cold water. I love being in the bath ... I love water in general.  I can't believe I'm going to gave a pool!  That is just an amazement.  

So, I pushed four balls forward a bit: calked the doctor, worked on study, called about the car, and exercised.  

An exciting thing happened last night: I fell asleep without a Xanax OR using the headphones and listening to music.  I didn't want to get up again this morning.  Mostly because I'm what I call "peopled out."  I need to retreat to being a hermit for a while after all this is said and done,  

It's all starting to hit all of us: me, my kids, and my mom.  This is happening!  Friday is my husbands last day and he leaves Monday!  Oh, my!  

Well, on that cheerful note I will bid you goodnight.  

Whoops.  No, I won't.  

Here's the thing.  When you don't HAVE to get up, how do you make yourself get up and start your day?  I'm always so tired, waking up is so hard, two of my dogs and my cat are always sleeping in bed with me, sometimes on me.  I could lay there and think and dose for a very, very long time!  I realize that I don't have the normal cortisol morning surge that most people have, so maybe after I'm moved and better rested and more relaxed I'll start getting my adrenal hormones working again and the problem will resolve itself.  

Oh, I lost the lab test orders from the nephrologist!  I looked for them so long that I was late getting to the doctor's office before the lab techs had left. Turns out they leave early.  So, I returned to the house, along with my 24 hour urine collection which is back in the refrigerator!  But here's something interesting.  Well ... at least to me!  In 24 hours I only peed not quite 8 cups.  I drank WAY more than that. So, what's up with that?  I guess I am retaining water after all. I wonder if I can blame all ten pounds n that, though?  Oh, heck.  Why not?!



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