Thursday, May 15, 2014

Day -2 - How Will I Handle My Evening?

Dear Reader,

One of these days I'm going to start out my blog by saying, "I had a GREAT day!  Slept good last night, exercised today, was super disciplined, stuck to my plan for the day, got a lot of work done, and am now going to bed early!"  Maybe???

Last night did not go well at all.  My daughter was watching Jon Stewart and I got a little caught up in his mockery of the media who are going crazy about Beyoncé's sister attacking Jay-Zee.  (Jay-Zee?  J-Zee? I don't really care!)  I took my bath and decided not to wash my hair.  I was so tired that I felt like I was going to be sick.  Then, I got in bed and turned off the light, thinking I was so tired I wouldn't need a Xanax ... and immediately got so tense that my neck is still hurting from it.  I took a Xanax and then got back up.  I dumped out a great big box of odds and ends in my closet and worked my way through all of them, setting most of them aside for Good Will.  This is something that has been bothering me for a long time.  Then I took a bunch of buttons out of their little zip-lock bags and put them in a collection I have.  When I was little, I didn't have toys, but I did have access to a large collection of buttons and played with them.  One was a large brass button with a star on it, and it was the sheriff.  There were some pretty black buttons with a white "ruffle" around them, and they were sisters in dancing dresses.  All the other buttons had their own roles in my play.  Does that sound pathetic? Playing with the buttons is actually one of my more pleasant memories.  So, I have always saved the extra buttons off of every item of clothing I have purchased to create a large and varied collection of my own.  Then I used the little zip-lock bags to hold individual sets of earrings.  I threw a bunch of them away the other day before I realized that I could use them for this.  I also cleaned out some other things on my closet shelves.  You can't believe how much of a mental barrier I've had to cleaning these shelves!  They are a mess; so full of clutter.  But I have slowly been making some headway through them.  The next worst thing I have to do is dump out a huge box of receipts I've had for years and years now.  When I was looking into inventorying my possessions, I read a comment by someone that she always scanned every receipt and then threw them away.  That sounded like a great idea in case there was ever a fire.  How could I show that that top cost $136?  Or ... would I need to?  My husband would say that that is a complete waste of time, and that going through this box of receipts carefully is a complete waste of time also.  I'm sure he's right, so I'll probably only take a quick glance at them before I throw them away.  Maybe I should start scanning the tags on clothing when I buy something new?  Anyway, the Xanax didn't click in for forever and it was after 2:00 am when I finally got to sleep.  I thought that I should have just curled up in bed at 7:00 pm when I felt sleepy:  clothes, makeup, and all. 

I have our son's new car now.  I forgot to change the insurance on it to his policy and I forgot to get it transferred into his name.  I forgot, in fact (I am typing this with mu cat on my chest and her tail on my keyboard!  I'm actually typing through her hair, blind!  I wonder how well I'm doing?  I wonder if I will back up and fix this?) that I needed a ride to go pick up the car.  I didn't think of it until fifteen minutes after the campus was closed.  I had gone to the court clerk to get the license plate and all that, but they closed at 4:30 and I got there at 4:45.  And that's when I realized I needed someone to give me a ride out to the car!  I drove back to campus calling everyone I knew, but they had already left.  So ... I just stood outside waiting for someone to come walking to their car!  Sure enough, a couple of young women left the library and I approached them and explained who I was and asked if either of them were heading the direction I needed to go.  The car lot is probably no more than two miles away.  One of them was very kind and gave me a ride, even though she hadn't actually been planning on leaving campus right then! 

I got the car and drove it to the health food store to buy some butter without salt in it!  I got that and came home and made my coffee (maybe it would be better if I drank this earlier in the day??) and, you know what?  I think it tastes better with the salted butter!  This seemed pretty plain, kind of like oatmeal when it's made without salt. 

I slept till ten again.  I promise you I felt like a blob of ectoplasm spread out on my bed.  It took almost an hour for me to fully wake up.  It was like the ectoplasm was slowly drawing up and pulling itself into a creature!  I was so happy to be alone today, without the housekeeper and physical plant workers.  I read my Bible and had my prayer time first thing.  One of the pair of shoes I ordered got here and they are FANTASTIC!  Except ... they don't fit right.  Darn.  So, I spent a little time looking at shoes on line.  There's a pair of Born gladiator sandals that come in a neutral color that I think will work as well as these shoes, even if they won't be quite so hyper-cool. 

My husband knocked the socks off of people last night.  They had a Baccalaureate service that he presided over.  Different students were presented and their grade points were shared with the audience (I haven't been to this kind of service before, so I don't know exactly what I'm talking about.  I'm just explaining it as best as I understand it at the moment.)  Anyway,  my husband shook their hands and congratulated each of them, using their names.  This apparently just shocked and amazed the people that he did this.  Ha!  There's a lot more where that came from!  My husband is an exceptionally gracious Southern gentleman and he's going to be amazing them for a long time! 

So, back to my day.  I came home and made my coffee and read a little bit.  I think this butter and coconut oil mixture is supposed to put you in fat-burning mode or something like that.  I looked at shoes some more and read a novel some more.  It's an interesting book.  There is a Jewish detective in Jerusalem and a Muslim detective in Egypt.  The Egyptian has gotten the Jew to help him look into an old murder that took place in Egypt that he now thinks was solved incorrectly.  So, that plot's going along.  And then there's some other plot going on about Nazi archaeologists and the original Menorah that was rescued from the Temple before it was captured.  This is one of those novels where you don't know how much of it is historically accurate, but in this, the Nazi's were looking for it as a weapon to use against the Jews.  How they came to the conclusion that a golden item from the Temple could be used to destroy the Jews I don't know!  Anyway ... between the very divergent plots, which I assume will come together before the end, and all of the foreign names (French, German, Hebrew, Egyptian) I'm having a hard time keeping track of everything. 

Wow.  That was random.  Anyway.  It's 8:00 pm.  How do I handle  the rest of my evening so that I go to sleep at a decent time.  A "decent time" being sometime before 2:00 am.  I have to wash the dishes, call my mother, feed the animals, lock up and shut down the downstairs.  I HAVE to wash my hair tonight and be ready to go to lunch with a friend tomorrow.  I would really like to get some more work done in the basement and I would really like to go through those receipts.  I need an entirely different system of keeping track of receipts, too. 

My thoughts are that I should take my bath, wash my hair and take my supplements, etc. before I do everything else, so that I CAN get into bed if I suddenly am tired.  I'm used to waiting till the very last thing because I have this ridiculous thing where I cannot go to sleep if I feel the LEAST BIT sticky!  And since our bedroom is not air conditioned properly and I can't get the temperature in it below 75 and we live where there is a lot of humidity ... I can feel sticky virtually immediately.  But, I'm thinking that I could always just hop in a tub really quickly if I needed to at the last minute.  So, here goes ... I present to you my "schedule" for the evening: 

1.  Call my mother while I unload the dishwasher and clean up the kitchen. 

2.  Get back on this blog if she drives me crazy and tell you about it immediately!

3.  Feed the animals

4a.  Make to-do list for tomorrow

4.  Bathe, wash hair, etc.  Try hard not to stay in the tub forever.  (Give me some bubbles and I lose all track of time!) 

5.  Dry hair, skin care, supplements, etc. 

6.  Tidy bedroom and bathroom

7.  Pick out clothes for tomorrow and set them out


9.  Go through receipts and work however much more I want in my closet

10.  Make my to-do list for tomorrow.  Wait ... making out my to-do list can sometimes make me get nervous, so maybe I'd better do that earlier in the evening.  Hmmmmm.  Okay, I'm going to sneak it in after I feed the dogs. 

11.  Read and try to go to sleep.  Maybe read something other than the novel. 

So.  Good plan.  But, let me take another look at it.  Estimating this plan conservatively, it's going to take about 3 hours to get this all done.  It's 8:16 now.  That would put me through around 11:30, more like 12:00.  Not a vast improvement. 

THIS SHOULDN'T BE SO HARD!!!  I'm pretty sure that most people don't have to go to all this trouble to make sure they get to bed at a reasonable time.  I think most of you just get really, really tired and go to sleep! Aaaargh!  

I've given up on the study for a while.  I'm down to the hard, little, niggling decisions and I've got a mental block towards finishing it at this point.  That's why I'm switching to the big, awful, dirty basement and the cluttered closet instead. 

I'm going to sign off now and see how well I can accomplish this. 

Oh, I got a call from the nephrologist saying he hadn't gotten my test results yet.  And I got a call from my doctor's office saying they didn't draw enough blood to do the angioedema test that my doctor ordered, so I have to go back on Monday to give more blood.  At least this lab person is really good at drawing blood.  I'll be glad when I have a better idea about the condition of my kidneys and whether or not I, FOR SURE, have the hereditary form of angioedema or the acquired form.  That's what this last blood sample will tell.  It won't change anything, but it will give me a little better idea about mortality rates.  If it is the hereditary form, I think the statistics are that 34% to 52% die from airway obstruction.  But I've been handling this for about 12 years and haven't died yet, thank goodness!  I'm grateful that none of my earliest attacks were fatal.  My daughter had a classmate in elementary school whose mother died from her first reaction which was to some cold medicine.  It was awful. 

Anyway ... on that cheerful note I will close.  Unless I get back on going nuts because of calling my mother!


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