Sunday, May 11, 2014

Day 3 - Last Night With My Husband For a While

Dear Reader, 

I had a very nice Mother's Day and hope you did as well, if you're a mother!  Our son and daughter both came over and we went to a late lunch at Longhorn Steakhouse.  I called ahead and put our name on a wait list, but it felt pretty awkward when they took us on to our table right away when there were a lot of people waiting.  I ordered trout and shrimp and lobster, broccoli, and rice ... and an order of their homemade potato chips, while the rest ordered a "tonion" which is sort of a Blooming Onion, but in pieces of batter-fried onion instead of a whole onion.  I think that is soooo gross!  I thought they would be helping me on my potato chips, but they didn't, so I ate pretty much the entire appetizer by myself.  I felt so sick!  I justified it telling myself that it was Mother's Day, and I wouldn't be getting a dessert.  This reasoning also worked for me to get sweet tea instead of unsweetened.  Needless to say, I was extremely sick before we left the restaurant!

We came home and watched about four episodes of The Office together since we all like it.  Then our son left and my daughter went with me to see my mother. I made her a huge bouquet of flowers from my gardens. She was in a pretty decent mood.  I remember she started onto something and I almost engaged, but decided it wasn't worth it.  Yea me!  

After we got home, the three of us went to see Spider-Man.  I'm sorry ... but this guy is just not Spider-Man for me! I grew up on the comic books, and so have very strong opinions about this!  Our daughter is spending the night here which is really nice.  I have missed her a lot.  She has to leave early in the morning to get to work, but I'm glad she'll be here to tell her dad goodbye.  We have been through a whole lot as a family ... and I mean far more than you would probably imagine I meant.  So, we are a close-knit family and this may be more difficult on is than we realize.  

My husband and I didn't do well sleeping together last night.  It was around 2:00 am before I finally asked him to go to the chair.  I wound up sleeping till noon today!  I had the most incredible dreams.  Mom was with me in them and was being very pleasant and we were having a good time together.  That's the first time, I think, that I've had a dream like that.  Especially since she was very disagreeable on the phone that day! It's going on 1:00 am now, so I need to finish up.  

Tomorrow I'll be taking him to the airport and then going to the mall to return some clothes.  Then I'm going to meet up with our daughter downtown and have dinner together.  

Tomorrow night I'll have to spend a lot of time getting a lot,of,things figured out about how I handle these two weeks n my own.  Ideally, do you know what I'd like to do?  Don't laugh, now!  I'd like to get up at 5:30 each morning and drink some chai and do yoga! If I can just summon the strength of character to discipline my flesh! 

Well, that's all for tonight.  No progress made on any front whatsoever.  



P.S.  And, if you're wondering whether you should go see the new Spider-Man, my advice would be to save your money and wait till it's on video.  You won't be missing much at all.  

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