Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Day 7 - Hanging Up My First Lady Hat!

Dear Reader, 

I am DONE entertaining!!  I showed the house to the last candidate today and gave my last dinner tonight!  I'll still give dinners and receptions in New York, but far fewer. I was not happy about giving the dinner last night or tonight, but I will admit that I had a very good time.  Both dinners were with people I care very much about and so I enjoyed spending time with them.  My husband's secretary says she is in complete denial!  Oh, the new secretary contacted her to find out what my husband is like as a boss, and she told her that they think he walks on water!
I've been doing the 24 hour urine collection and I am not peeing much at all.  Definitely not nearly as much as I'm drinking.  So, that's strange!  My bottle is not even a third of the way full.  

I had to cancel my Prolotherapy appointment today because this candidates tour got changed from yesterday to today, but I didn't think to reschedule my appointment.  They are getting me in later in the month, but my husband will be gone and my friend can't take me on Wednesdays, so my daughter's going to take me.  I don't know how well that's going to work because she's pretty squeamish.  We'll see.  

I only have two more meetings with my counselor, but it seems like there's still so much work to do!  I really think I need to do EMDR regarding the memories of my husband breaking up with me in college before we were married.  I'd really like to quit having these bad dreams so frequently about that! 

I got a tiny bit more work done on filing.  Pretty much all that's left is to get a special box for our daughter's memorabilia that I've been collecting for her.  

Oh, I haven't told you the bad news yet.  I have put on a solid TEN POUNDS since October!  Three . PPP.ppover the holidays and seven since the start of the year.  This equals two inches on my waist and two inches on my gut.  This is enough to put me out of some of my main clothes.  And, the underwire in my favorite bra broke, and I'm sure you know how much trouble it is finding a new bra that fits!  The trials!!

I am apparently never going to finish the study.  I don't think I'm going to get to work in there at all tomorrow.  I have to take my urine specimen to my doctors office, which is a good twenty minutes away.  As long as I'm going that way, there are several errands I need to run.  Then there is a farewell reception for us at the university that lasts two hours.  Then Friday is commencement activities all day!  Where has the time gone??

Still trying to find a car for our son.  One place has two possibilities that should be ready for me to look at tomorrow.  He has decided to move out of the half-way house and into an apartment with two other recovering addicts that he has known for a good while.  The woman was in recovery when he was and has stayed sober, too.  And the man, her boyfriend, has been sober for ten months.  Slightly scary for him ... and for us!  But he can't stay in a half way house forever and this place is only about three minutes away from his AA meeting place, so that's good.  

I talked to the physical therapist today.  He still has not heard from the cardiologist.  We talked some more about what I needed.  He wasn't sure that a physical therapist was my best choice.  But when I told him that I have hired a trainer before and, the second time I saw her, she had me do something that injured my wrist for more than a year, he understood why I was looking for a physical therapist to help me.  

By the way, I actually felt good of several hours yesterday.  It was great!  I'd like for that to happen again!



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