Sunday, May 18, 2014

Day -4 - Family Day, No Time for Work

Dear Reader,

Last night was definitely rough because of the pulled muscles.  I fell asleep with the lamp on, just laying over onto my husband's pillow, so "tricking" myself into falling asleep.  I slept SIX HOURS without even moving!  But ... from that point on, moving was definitely a problem.  You have no idea how much you use your lower abdominal muscles until you injure them!  There were a few times when I was worried that I was starting to actually tear something, but I don't think I did after all.  They've caused me a lot of pain today, but not as bad as yesterday, for sure. 

I was still in bed when I got a call from our son saying he was driving up to get his new car.  About that time, our daughter came into the bedroom looking for my opinion on an outfit.  So, I never got my prayer time or read my Bible.  But I did enjoy visiting with my kids!  Our son LOVES his new/old car.  He even says he's going to keep it clean, which neither his sister nor I believe.  When he opened it up he said, "It smells so good!  It doesn't smell like food."  Our daughter went on to her boyfriend's parents house to help the mother with a large party for high school students that she gave today. 

Our son and I went to eat lunch together.  I got the green beans, corn, broccoli, carrots and salad that I had earlier this week.  Then we went to a sporting goods store where he sold his two 65-lb weights.  They gave him enough money for them that he was able to turn around a buy a bike they had there.  He plans to use it to ride from his car to the building where he works ... without a helmet.  I told him there was a state law, but he is not going to wear one.  Maybe he will after he gets his first ticket!  The apartment situation is working out better now which is a relief. 

We also went and bought him a lock for his bike and a fan for his room, which he says is pretty hot.  It should provide some background noise also, because the other two stay up till about 1:00 each night. 

You know I said how bored my husband was with Godzilla?  Well, my son told me that "it rocked his world"!  He even wanted to see it again. I mentioned that I was wanting to see it and he said we could do that during the afternoon.  My jaw dropped!  I even gave him a couple of opportunities to back out, but he said no each time.  So we went to see it.  Since I'm doing the cleanse, I just got a Coke Zero.  (Yes, I know that Cokes aren't good for you and neither are artificial sweeteners.  I don't care!)  But, about halfway through the movie he got up and came back with a big thing of buttered popcorn.  Did I resist?  NO!  Of course, I didn't!  And it was delicious! 

So then we came home and he went to get gas and I decided to figure out how to sync my phone to the Bluetooth in my car.  It came out of sync months ago, and everytime I try to fix it, it won't connect.  I watched several youtube videos about it, but I still couldn't make it work.  Finally, I deleted my car from my phone and got it to work.  Yes!  I defeated technology!  During all of this, I also found a way to turn off the feature that automatically unlocks my car doors when I put the car in park.  I hate that!  I also figured out what's going on with my navigation system.  The problem turns out to be that (gasp!) I DON'T HAVE A NAVIGATION SYSTEM!  And it will cost $800 to have one installed.  Or I can pay $10 a month to add it to my OnStar account, which I think I have let expire, anyway.  One person said that their directions aren't very good ... but it will take seven years of OnStar to equal having it installed.  So those directions would have to be pretty bad for me to not choose that route.  But the only problem is that I thought this car was supposed to have navigation already.  I'll have to go through my notes and see what the deal is with that.  But I'm pretty sure I told the guy that I wanted heated seats, remote start, and navigation. 

Oh, at the sporting goods store I came so close to buying an inversion table!  They had one on sale for $125.  But, then I came to my senses and decided not to get one.  It was kind of funny.  A cute girl was waiting on me, and she was very taken with my son! 

So, that's my day.  I'm pretty sure I'm going to church tomorrow.  I've missed waaaay too much.  I'm hungry and want to eat!  I'm going to have to stay on the Master Cleanse tomorrow because I never made it to the grocery store today. 

My husband texted me during the night that the movers are coming MONDAY to start packing!!!  WHAT???  OH MY GOSH!!!  I was told that they would probably start in the basement, so that means I have to do nothing tomorrow except work down there.  I hope these muscles are okay because, otherwise, I don't know what I'm going to do! 

So ... there's my world, in a nut shell. 

Have a blessed Sunday!


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