Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Day -1 - Or ... How I Mis-Spent My Day Today

Dear Reader,

so ... so much for being business-like and all that.  I've done nothing today!  Why?  Because of my mis-spent night last night.  Do you ever get "locked in" to some activities?  Well, I did last night.  I was going through my university email account, deleting things and forwarding important things to my Hotmail account and I got really hooked on it.  But, before I continue ... is "mis-spent" hyphenated or not??  Anyway ... I neglected to say that I was doing this WHILE I was watching TV.  I watched a "Chopped" and was then going to go upstairs and get ready for bed, etc.  But, instead, I switched to a "What Not to Wear" episode (Tiffany?  Really??) and kept working on it.  But I had to keep pausing for one reason or another and was able to turn an hour-long program into at least an hour and a half.  Then I was SO tired and went upstairs to go to bed.  But then I realized that I had not a) read my Bible, 2) made my to-do list, 3) made the housekeeper's to-do list, which is very precise at this point and involved, or 4) written my blog.  I thought about chunking it all except for my Bible and going on to bed, but then in a fit of earnestness, decided to finish everything.  So ... I got to bed at 2:00 am!  WHAT WAS I THINKING???  Seriously!  How many times to I have to do this before I take control of myself and my evenings?!

So, this morning I had my alarm set for 10 am (ridiculous, I know, but it was 8 hours of sleep) but was so tired that I just lay there hitting the snooze button until 11:00 when I HAD to get up to meet my friend for lunch.  So -- there goes the morning!

We had a really good time at lunch.  I only had one glass of wine, keeping my kidneys in mind, and a vegetable plate:  broccoli, carrots, green beans, corn and a Romaine salad.  Not too bad considering I'm supposed to be doing a cleanse! 

Then I came home and started trying to figure out how to pay for our son's new/old car with a credit card.  Since we're buying it from an individual and not a dealership, this was new territory for me, but I figured it out.  I had to go find the guy's bank, but that wasn't bad.  Then I went to the dealership where he works and he signed over the title to me.  But that's the problem ... I didn't think to put it in my son's name.  So tomorrow I have to go pay for the license and get it transferred into his name. 

I'm trying to think if I've got something to tell you about my mother tonight, but ... nope.  I've got nothing!  Tonight, anyway.  There's always tomorrow! 

I found out last night that there are two YMCAs near where well be living!  And they both sound GREAT!  Really neat group classes. 

There's a neat website at  Interesting health ideas, very Paleo with his own twist to it.  I can best explain this by telling you about his coffee.  I came across his site looking for information about brain inflammation.  You may already know that coconut oil is super good for inflammation.  No?  You didn't know that?  Guess you don't have crazy high inflammation levels!  Well, this guy has a lot of stuff about increasing your cognitive functions and one of them has to do with how he makes "bulletproof coffee."  He adds ... wait for it ... BUTTER AND CONCENTRATED COCONUT OIL TO IT!  Check out this video:

So, I had already bought my Kerry Gold butter from grass-fed cows, and I've been waiting for the oil and the coffee to get here, which it finally did today.  So, I made it and had it in the heated blender blending when I decided to have a taste of this super-expensive butter.  It tasted salty, which surprised me, and I wondered how the "grass-fed" equated "salty tasting."  Hmmm.  Maybe I need this special coffee even more than I thought because it took me a few seconds for me to realize that I had purchased SALTED butter!  Which doesn't exactly go well with coffee.  So, I saw that he said you could add cocoa and xylitol to make a mocha.  I did this to disguise the salt and then drank it.  And, you know what?  It actually was pretty good!  Crazy rich, but good.  I learned something, though.  Drink it while it's hot!  You really don't want a cup of coffee with 2 T of butter in it to cool down!  He says you can take some digestive enzymes with it if you are used to a low-fat diet.  I got pretty sick at my stomach and so I took a couple which didn't seem to do anything.  Will I do it again tomorrow?  Yes, probably so.  But I'm going to go buy some unsalted butter first! 

I haven't had any more of the lemon juice because the coffee has me so full.  I still have to drink a serving of Garden of Life's detox fiber blend and that will be it.  I can tell, though, that the cleanse is doing something because I'm starting to have that awful taste in my mouth.  Maybe this is a good time for my husband to be in New York!

And here's the interesting thing.  I've only been doing the cleanse thing for two days and I'm already finding my thinking to be changing about taking control of my life and getting my body and my health back.  Now I'm like, how did I reach this point???  I know very well how I reached this point.  I've given the last seven years to our university!  Do I regret it?  That's a good question.  I don't think so.  When I think about the number of students whose way we have made better, it was a worthwhile sacrifice.  But ... I'M DONE now, thank you very much!  Hopefully in two weeks, when I leave to go up there, my mindset will really have been adjusted and I'll be raring to go.  (That's "southern" for ... well, you probably already know that one.) 

Now it's time for Lisa's Interesting Bit of Information for the Day.  Did you know that there are a BUNCH of Nazi war criminals living in the U.S??  They are known, and we have ordered for them to be deported, but no country, including their own, will take them.  We can't force a nation to take them, and we can't bring them to trial because their alleged crimes were not committed here.  So they are just living here in the US, some of them even collecting social security!  There's one in Queens!  They have demonstrations in front of his house regularly.   I'm surprised that no one has just gunned these people down, but I guess the whole point is to bring them to justice, not to just mow them down.  So, now you know! 

I'm going to bed now.  Well, I have to bathe, take my supplements, feed the dogs and cats and then go to bed.  So, in about an HOUR, I should be in bed.  It's 9:45 now, so I guess this is not too unreasonable.  It's certainly better than 2:00 am. 

I should get a LOT done tomorrow!  I don't have to go anywhere AND, my housekeeper won't be coming in tomorrow.  I'm happy to be alone tomorrow and not to face constant distractions, but I'm not happy about why she won't be in.  Her daughter, who is so severely disabled, has come down with a bad case of bronchitis.  And, here's something else.  She wasn't supposed to live past 2 years and is now 11 years old and is going into puberty.  This was never anticipated and now they have to decide what to do.  Cognitively she is about 9 months old.  She can never have a child, but if they don't do something, she will start having periods and cramps and ... well, can you imagine her adopted father having to clean her?  He helps a lot with diaper changes, but that would be really hard on both of them, not to mention the little girl.  So, they are looking into medical means of stopping this.  But she went to a support group and was talking about this, and she had some of them turn on her and start telling her to let her go into puberty because it was NATURAL!  There is nothing natural about a 9-month old child having periods, and that is essentially what is going on here.  So, my housekeeper was very upset by it.  Poor thing.   

Ok, that's it for me. 

Have a good evening.  No ... have a GREAT evening!


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