Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Day 1 - First Day for Husband.

Dear Reader, 

Whew, I'm tired! I've done a lot today.  I drove into the big city to see my counselor.  I then went to TJMaxx to look for dog beds.  I've finally decided that I don't need to fine four that match.  But, you know how they put purses right where you walk in?  Well, I got lost in there for a long while!  I finally made my way out with a fantastic wallet which I really needed.  If it had a wrist strap, it would be the perfect wallet!

I then came home to go with my mother to her follow-up neurologist appointment.  She has serious sensory nerve impairment in her legs and feet, but her motor nerves are okay, which seems pretty strange to me.  She also has an extremely high sedimentation rate, ten times what it should be.  This can indicate cancer he said, or many other things, including a high risk of stroke.  He wants her to see a rheumatologist to biopsy a blood vessel by her temple which doesn't sound like a bit of fun, and also to investigate the cause of the sedimentation rate.  He has a procedure which he says helps the nerves to "rebuild."  You sit with your feet in a bucket and they run electricity through the water and you also take high doses of particular supplements and minerals.  Sounds crazy, but I am suspending judgment until she gives it a good try.  She started in with her usual, "I've outlived my body. I don't know why God won't let me die!" Etc.  I finally told her that she was going to have to quit saying that.  That each day God was choosing for her to be alive and she needed to start submitting to Him in this and accepting that His will does not apparently include her dying soon, so she needs to start asking Him why she's still here and who can she be a blessing to.  

It did absolutely no good, whatsoever.  

She came to the house and came in and had some coffee because she was pretty upset and started crying some.  I told her she shouldn't be crying because the doctor found some specific things wrong and has a plan for her.  I was sweet and hugged her and all that, but I also tried to,get her to look at it positively.    

I started the Master Cleanse today and have been soooo hungry!!  I am realizing now the importance of having a few days of eating really clean before starting this because I was not hungry the other times I did it, but am really hungry this time.  This evening I broke down and cooked some frozen Brussels sprouts  and then, later, some edemame.  

I've got my todo list made out for tomorrow, it's pretty intense.  And I have a to-do list made out for my housekeeper.  I'm going to have her work primarily in our family room upstairs deep-cleaning and getting things ready to move.  

I did pretty well today.  Stayed mostly business-like all day and haven't gotten sad or upset or anything.  I checked and learned that there are several YMCAs right around where we live, and they sound really good!  I also learned about a very complicated exercise place that is $30 per class!  Yeah, I won't be going to that!

I'm working on clearing out my university email account.  It turns out you don't get to keep it?  I asked them to give me till the end of,the month because I had a lot of writing on it. Going backwards chronologically, I'm about halfway through 2012.  

Well, that's a quick summation of my day.  Im not quite sure how to handle this cleanse, because I have several lunches on my calendar to tell people goodbye.  I think I'll just get vegetables and hopefully that won't mess things up too badly.  



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