Thursday, May 8, 2014

Day 5 - Last Graduation is Tomorrow!

Dear Reader,

It's hard to believe that tomorrow is our last graduation!  We have two graduation ceremonies, one at 9:00 am and one at 2:00 pm.  I've been given a big hint that they will be doing something special for me tomorrow, so you know I'm doing everything to try to look my best.  Except to go to sleep early, of course.  Actually, I'm completely ready for bed.  Just writing this before I do.  

Last night was pretty bad.  I lost the allergy medicine I take at night and have been without it for a few days.  It makes me sleepy and I've found that it works really well if I take it an hour or so before bedtime and then take my Xanax at bedtime.  But last night, I couldn't go to sleep at all.  The Xanax didn't even touch me and I was so tense my neck hurt.  My husband had to give a speech this morning at 6:30 am, which I think is ridiculous!  But it meant he had to get up really early and he wasn't sleeping well.  So, each time I started to get out of bed to go read or something he'd hug me up and ask me to stay in bed with him!  So, of course, I did!  But finally around 2:00 I told him I had to get up and eat a snack and read and he hugged me up, but we didn't go to sleep for a while because we were otherwise engaged.  (Now how's that for being delicate!). So ... I finally got to sleep sometime after 3:00. I was just bombed all day.

But I had lunch with a good friend who travels a lot and loves NYC, so I know I'll keep seeing her.  Then met up with someone else who wanted to tell me goodbye.  It was kind of strange.  Her marriage has fallen apart and she has gotten a divorce.  So she gave us a carved piece she had of a man and a woman sitting together holding hands.  She said it had been a gift to them a long time ago, and she didn't want to keep it or throw it away.  So she wanted to give it to us because we have made her believe that love can be real and lasting after all.  So, I'm not sure what to d about that.  She's giving me something that represents her marriage that turned untrue, but she wants us to have it because we caused her to hope again,  I'm pretty sure it's not going to New York with us!

I went to my doctors office for some very specialized blood testing from the nephrologist and the genetics doctor.  So specialized, in fact, that my lab didn't know anything about them and didn't have a code for them. So they took some blood for the two tests they did know, and I'll have to go back next week after they talk to the docs.  

The cardiologist's office called and said they talked to my physical therapist and explained what they wanted for me, and he decided that they really weren't equipped to be able to do this sort of treatment.  So, that takes care of that.  I'm not going to worry further about it.  I'll be in NY within three weeks and plan to start walking a lot.  I'm going to need some better, but still cute, walking shoes.  I did a lot of errands today and my tendon in my arch that tore a year ago started hurting really bad.  This just sucks, because you know how much I hate shopping! Especially for SHOES!! :-)

The only other thing that is pertinent to my goals is I remembered to pick up the glass that I've had cut for the top of my credenza and desk.  

So, that's all I can think of right now.  I have been looking into cleanses.  I'm kind of thinking about jut doing cleanses for the next two weeks.  I've done the master cleanse before for five days and was fine with it ... except I became allergic to lemons.  And there's a ten day Garden of Life cleanse that sounds good, and I like his products.  But it gets some really bad reviews on Amazon from some people.  Now, maybe those people were just already very toxic and so it was miserable for them.  I shouldn't be very toxic at all because I eat really healthy and fresh all the time.  

Oh, while I was out I was quite hungry and really wanted some french fries.  But ... I resisted and ate a Luna bar I remembered I had in my purse.  Then I did grocery shopping and bought some sea salt and pepper potato chips that were fried in avocado oil.  They're not very good, actually because they're not very salty.  But, after my husband carried the groceries in, I was so tired and just sat there eating them.  I realized that I was eating mindlessly and wasn't even enjoying them, so I quit.  They were not good for my body OR my taste buds, so that seemed to be a no-brainer.  I bought a York mint, a little slice of heaven, to split with my husband after dinner, and forgot all about it!  Dinner was really good.  I made a rice mix of brown and wild rice, a huge gorgeous salad, catfish sautéed in coconut oil, and a fresh fruit salad.  All of a sudden I'm loving salads again!

Well ... I think that's it for tonight.  My husband has his office at his building all packed up.  The movers would have done that, but they want to start remodeling in there right away.  His secretaries hugged him goodbye, crying.  They'll see him tomorrow, but it will be very public and very busy, so this was the sentimental goodbye.  



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