Thursday, May 15, 2014

Day -2 - Post Script

Dear Reader, 

Happily enough I was in bed at 11:35 which is surprisingly good for me.  I've had a Xanax, but I haven't finished my to-do list.  The box of receipts is on the bed ready to go unless I decide to wait.  We'll see.  

Anyway, I forgot to tell you about a lovely experience I had today.  I was pretty frazzled at the health food store because of the whole nonbeing late to the clerk's office and having to find someone to take me to pick up the car.  So, after I was done with all that I drove to the store to buy the butter, and I was pretty frazzled.  A young black woman checked me out and we chatted some.  She had one of those knitted, large caps over her head ... I don't know how to describe it, but it's just what you might expect on someone at a health food store.  After I checked out, I couldn't find my keys in my purse.  I searched and finally found them, told her goodbye, and started for the car.  She called to me because I had left the groceries at the checkout!  So I walked back and she took my hand in hers and looked me directly in the eye for a minute and then said, "Whatever it is that is on your mind ... you need to stop and breathe!  Take a deep breath."  I did so, and it sounded more like a sob than a breath.  She had the kindest eyes, and she kept looking at me and reminded me to breathe.  If you do yoga, you know what she is talking about, using your breath to ground and center yourself.  I thanked her and left because I was pretty sure I'd start crying if I kept looking at her sweet eyes!


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