Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Day 202 - Not a Bad Day!

Dear Friend,

The best part about today is that I didn't have a lot of fatigue.  That felt great!  But, I stayed in bed almost all day!  Nt being lazy, though.mmsometimes,mayhem I just can't get something done, I work on it in bed and I won't let myself get up until it's done.  And, it worked!  I picked out and ordered the two mini-chandeliers for the halls and the ceiling medallions for them.  Then I picked out the  chandelier for the dressing room (gorgeous!  I worked so hard trying to re-find it, and I finally did.) and the ceiling medallion for it, which is beautiful.  Then I let my daughter make the decision for this little area at the top of the back stairs.  I'm not exactly crazy about it, but it was $50 less than the one I liked best, so maybe it will work out.  I've worked really hard tonight, as only I can in my own obsessive way, on finding a bronze toned ceiling medallion for it.  But I can't find one for less than $90 that would look good with it!  Now, the $90 one is exquisite!  And maybe I can consider that I did save $50 on the fixture ... so $90 is really only $40, if you know what I mean.   It's too bad, really, because I really did work hard and long on finding the perfect medallion only to finally have to give it up.  But, that's still a LOT of decisions for me!

Then I got ready quickly and drove our daughter to the most adorable hardware store in our village to buy some pints of three different types of paints that she is trying out for her to-be studi downstairs.  After that, I raced to get to my counseling appointment.  That went well, and I asked her to help me to figure out how to fill in the form for the insurance company and she said she would take care of it for me and give it to me next week when I come back so I can go ahead and submit it,  thank goodness!  Shrinks are EXPENSIVE here!

Something was going on in the villages between where I was and where I live.  There were all sorts of police blockades and traffic was almost at a standstill.  Finally, at one place there was a police car blocking off an overpass (that I needed!) and five officers standing in front of it.  I asked them what was going on and they said that they didn't know, they had just been told to close the road.  So, I wonder what that was all about!  It took me two hrs to get home!  TWO HOURS!

My brother (not the crazy one) wrote an awful post abut an article I posted from Christianity Today by a black pastor trying to explain how things like Ferguson make black people feel, and to try to understand hw things like this impact them because events go through different filters for them.  Wel .... My good ole boy brother wrote in something awful, starting with saying he found the article spurious at best!!  Broke my heart.  Husband and daughter advised me to just delete it and not respond.  I also deleted the two awful messages by the other person.

I read two other articles this evening, in bed, from Christianity Today, by black pastors.  I learned ant a yng guy, 22, in a Wal-Mart who is just wandering around the store talking on his cell phone.  He picks up a pellet gun as he's walking around the store and he's just ambling along with the gun in his hand when some guy decides to call the police and tell them that there's a black man with a rifle pointing it at people.  So, they come charging in, find him where he's been standing talking for a while in a corner of the store with no one else around, and they just gun him down!out of the blue.  One minute he's talking on his hone, the next second he's on the ground and they kept firing until he was dead.  And, did these officers get indicted by the grand jury??  NO,  OF COURSE THEY DIDNT!!  So I posted an article about it and the security video that shows the entire thing on Facebook and said, so .... anyone want to tell me that the grand jury did the right thing in NOT indicting these police officers??

It's 1:45 am and I don't really feel sleepy, but I guess it's time to give it a shot.

Oh, and guess what?  I called my doctor's office today t remind them to call the specialist for an appointment for me.  They called me back and said, "Oh, you can't get in to see him until February of next year!"  And I was like, .... Yes?  Grab it!  And she was shocked and said, "Oh, you still want an appointment even though it will be February before you get in??  I said YES, This is THE GUY!  S she said that I should call them to make the appointment since she won't know what my schedule is in February!  She totally did not understand how you deal with specialists.  So I had to explain to her that the call had to come from them and that they would probably just give her a time and date.  Then she gave me the time and date and, if I needed to change it, I would call them. So she finally said she would call him.  These gals are really sweet, but not professional at all.

That's it for now.  I leave Thursday to go to Tennessee. Mountains of work to do tomorrow, hopefully,,,


P.S.  I'm pretty sure I'm gaining weight but won't get on the scale!

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