Sunday, December 28, 2014

Day 177 - Started Flylady Again

Dear Friend,

Hmmmm.  It's shortly after midnight an I am REALLY tired.  That's a good thing.  I keep meaning to go to sleep earlier, but then I forget as soon as I get in bed and start making my to-do list for the next day.

But part of what I've been doing is something that I have some misgivings about.  I told you abut the blog by the psychopath?  I put in a question asking whether or not they feel empathy for their pets.  This person won't reveal whether they are male or female, but did mention that they have pets and take very good care of them.  Well, I got a nice long response back about my question.  No, they don't feel empathy for their pet, but they take care of it for other reasons.  So I wrote back some and asked a couple of more questions, but not necessarily comfortable with this.  Only 1% of the population are psychopaths, but about 3% of corporate CEOs are and 15% of the prison population are.  I'm pretty sure I probably know a psychopath or two, so why not try to understand them better by talking with someone who is willing to talk about it.  I'm not using my name or my regular email, so I think it's ok.  I'll know better after I get a response.

I rejoined flylady this morning.  Are you familiar with her?  She has an online coaching website to help you get yourself out of living in chaos and get your house and yen life organized.  I used to live by her website and it was terribly helpful.  I decided it was time to get back to it.

We went to church again today.  A really lovely service.  Beautiful worshipful music and a very good sermon.  Did I mention that we are almost the only non-Koreans there?  Koreans seem to be the most populous evangelicals in the area.  It thrills me to hear someone from another country praying and talking about God and Jesus!

Tomorrow will be a busy day.  The cleaners come on Tuesday so I have to have the entire house picked up so they can work.  Plus I have about eight loads of clothes to wash and dry and fold and hang up.  I've run out of hangers somehow.  I think my daughter used up a bunch of them.  Plus, instead of packing away my off-season clothes, I have them hanging in a large closet downstairs in the laundry room.  That's probably where they all are.

Well, I have decided to go to Dunkin' Donuts for some donuts before I start the no sugar thing.  I've been eating wheat occasionally with no bad effect.  So I think I can get away with this as long as I don't get any of the cream-filled ones.  But what about chocolate-filled ones??  I don't know,   My favorite donut, anyway, is a plain glazed one.

I would love to have the hues and laundry back under control tomorrow.  That's a real, real long shot, thugh!  But I'm going to do my best.  Which probably means I should wake up before 10:30 am!  If I can talk my husband into an inexpensive dinner out ... it might all be possible!


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