Friday, December 26, 2014

Day 179 -

Dear Friend,

We went into the city today with our son and daughter.  Wondered around the shops that are still set up at Bryant Park and then walked to the Rockefeller Plaza to see the tree.  But it was extremely crowded everywhere, so not much fun.  There were twice the usual. Umber of people on the streets.  We found a good deli with a nice food bar and had lunch and then went to H&M for our son to shop some.  We went through the really nice food market in Grand Central, and then took the train home.  I took my bath first and washed my hair, and then we watched two House, M.D. Programs. Now I've been reading in bed and feel sticky.  This is always a problem if I bathe early instead of right before I go to bed!  But I am NOT going to give in and take another bath!

Our son leaves to go back to Nashville tomorrow.  It's been a good visit.  He commented on the train that it was strange how "at home" everything felt.  That's exactly what I've said, too.  It was good to hear that he felt this way, too.  He and his sister had a good time together today.

I've been giving a lot of thought as to how to actually put into practice my new lifestyle.  I desperately need to get in control of my life and health and weight to quit feeling like such a massive LOSER!  I jotted down thoughts all day long.

For starters, I leave messes behind me all the time because of being in a rush.  And from being lazy and irresponsible!  But, for this to all work, I have to become diligent at putting things back up where they belong after I use them.  From hairbrushes to coffee cups to makeup to books to salt and pepper, etc.!

I also need to get some new cookbooks.  I'm bored out of my mind witch mine, and I need to have interesting recipes to cook or I hate the entire process.  Plus they have to be healthy recipes and involve new tastes, such as French and Thai and Indian.

I decided to add making my bed to the things I do before I go downstairs, and opening the blinds, also.

And, before I leave the house, I want to empty the dishwasher, load any breakfast dishes and wipe down the counters.

I also decided that trying to do all the laundry on Saturdays is probably not such a good idea.  I used to do two loads a day, but I think I want to focus on just one load a day and get it started before I leave the house to go exercise.

Then, when I return, I can put the laundry on to dry and sweep and clean the family area floors.  My incontinent dog makes the floors a mess every single day.

Then I can fold or hang u the clothes, carry them upstairs and carry down the dirty clothes and sort them so they are ready for the next day.

Since I have a hard time getting to my work as a writer, I may need to root myself in time instead of by task.  That would be important at specific times of day.

8:00 am - get up
10:00 am - exercise
11:00 am - run errands, get lunch, doctor's appointments, special personal care such as manicures.  This will be tricky and difficult to pull off.
2:30 pm - be home, change clothes, and start writing
5:00 pm- start dinner, feed dogs
6:15 pm - things are different here for my husband, and he says this is the time he'd like to make our dinner time.
7:00 pm -always do the dishes and clean up the counters, last minute touch up of the kitchen island clutter

My husband likes to head for bed around 8:30 or 9:00, so that's pretty easy.
I know I will need to do some shopping in bed after he's asleep.  But try to minimize that and go to,sleep significantly earlier ... Like 11:00 pm.

I believe that I'm going to have to swear off sugar for six months.  Things made with xylitol will be okay to eat.  I'm eating WAY to many sweets!!  I'm going to have to take firm steps to break this LUST for chocolate sweets and laying off for six months ought to do it.  I've done this before, but it's been a long time.

There's something glaring missing here ... reading my Bible and praying.  Plus phone calls and people coming to the house interrupt me a lot, but there's nothing much I can do about that.

Saturdays I'll plan the next week's menus and place my food delivery order, water plants, and finish up any laundry or ironing problems.  Plus do special projects.  AND FINISH UNPACKING!!!  Oh, and work my way through that course I bought but was unable to do.

It occurs,to me that no one is going to rescue me.  No one is going to wave a wand and bring my life back into a productive order.  If I want to have a different life and be proud of myself and get healthy and ease the depression and anxiety ... no one is going to make it happen but me.

Well, I'm so tired I feel sick.  I am reading a stupid science fiction/fantasy book by the guy who wrote Maze Runner.  Its sooooo bad.  I can hardly believe the same guy wrote it!  I don't know why I'm reading it, but it is a page turner and, let me tell you ... this guy has a creative mind!

Does anyone believe I can pull this off?  You've listened to me moan and wail for quite sometime now.  I've pulled my life together before.  The question is, do I have the strength and willpower to pull it off again?  Please be rooting for me!

Well, I'm going to go slather my body with baby powder so I won't feel sticky and can go to sleep.

Sleep well!


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