Monday, December 29, 2014

Day 176 - Tired Out

Dear Friend,

Well, I worked quite hard today, but still wasn't able to get everything ready for the cleaners tomorrow.  I've got a good list ready to hit the floor with tomorrow, though.  Hopefully by the end of tomorrow I'll have the house and laundry pretty much back under control, except for putting away Christmas things.  That shouldn't be too bad, though, because we really didn't get a whole lot out this year.  It will still be a pain bringing the boxes upstairs and re packing them and carrying them back down again.  I need to decide where to keep them in the basement.  Since they are only used once a year, there's a small, narrow area where I think I can put them.  They are currently occupying some prime real estate in the basement.

I did get through a lot of laundry and got a lot of cleaning done.  I got four large trash bags full of cardboard boxes stacked all inside of one another ready to be set out for recycling tomorrow night whether it's raining or not.  I've got a WHOLE lot more boxes to get rid of still!  Maybe I should call them to let them know how much I'm going to be setting out there! I'd hate for them to come and decide it was too many and just leave a bunch.

I started flylady again and got my first email today telling me what all to do today.  I'm surprised to see how much I've actually held on through the years.  She has videos now and I watched one that was so encouraging.  I can't remember her motto exactlyk but it's something like "You are not behind!  Don't try to catch up, just jump in where you are."  Of course, I don't believe it.  I AM BEHIND!!!!  Will I ever actually be moved into this house?  I really don't think so!  I don't see how I can keep this huge house clean and do all the laundry, all the groceries, all the cooking, all the dishes, try to have some smidgeon of a personal life, AND finish moving in.  AND write!  And exercise!  So, the only thing to do is to do the things that are IMPORTANT:  exercise, yoga, writing, and hope the things that are URGENT get done quasi-adequately without slamming myself for not being able to do it all.

My big toe, and I know you're interested in my big toe!, seems to be healing.  It no longer feels like the joint is shattered and I can lift it with just a little bit of pain.  The skin on it does keep tearing, but not too bad.  The circulation in it has improved and the capillary action seems to be about back to normal.  I don't know what has been going on, but I'm glad it's getting better.

That's all I feel like talking about tonight.


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