Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Day 182 - Great Day After All!

Dear Friend,

Today had all the makings of being an awful day.  Last night, right as I was about to fall asleep, my husband got hit with an allergy attack that went in and on.  By the time things had settled down, I was wide awake and couldn't sleep song went into my study to read and hopefully, fall asleep, since I'd gone ahead and taken a Xanax.  He woke up again, though, and called me, so I got back in bed with him.  But he was very restless and I finally asked him to go to a reclining chair in the bedroom
  By then it was 3:45 am, so I got to sleep around 4:00 am.  Then I had to get up at 8:00 am to go pick up our son at the airport.

I was so happy to get him and he was in a good mood.  We drove back home and went to a diner for lunch and my husband was able to join us which was nice.

... Thnk goodness.  I thought I had lost all of,this.  Somehow I went to check on a problem one of my dogs is having and from there saw something about fifteen sets of twins that had defied the odds.  One was two yung women who each have a separate head but one conjoined body.  Some of the internal organs are shared and some are separate.  They are 22, live in Minnesota and have graduated from college.  TLC is doing a series on them.  From there I saw an article on Little Honey Boo Boo that said something about "what you shod know and why you should care."  I've never seen it, but have heard of it so I decided to read it and some of the comments.  My own comment?  There doesn't seem to be anything bizarre about the people.  There have always been uneducated and uncultured "white trash" people, but that doesn't mean they are "bad" or anything.  I know people wh love the show and some of the comments said they liked it because they were a family that loved each other and were basically happy.  Whatever.  Then I realized I hadn't looked up my dog's condition so I did that.  Sure hope it's not cancer.

Anyway, I came home and fiddled around until I finally made myself sit down and start wrapping presents.  After a while we went out to eat and I hit sephora for our daughter and my husband hitnLord and Taylor's for me ... and hit it pretty hard I gather.

We made the brilliant decision to eat out for Christmas dinner, and I can't tell you what a relief this is!!

I dared to weigh last night and, yes, I have gained weight.  It's only three pounds, but I swear it looks like fifteen.

Starting in January, exercising and my weight and health are going to become my main priority and writing my next.  I'm thinking the only way it can work is if I make Saturdays laundry, cleaning, and ordering groceries days and Sundays rest and enjoy life days, and workout, write, etc. and just maintain the house the five work days.  I need to give a lot of thought to that.

Well, I'm tired now and going to sleep.  Have a great Christmas Eve day!


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