Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Day 257 - Good Day!

Dear Reader,

I know you are gasping at my heading for this post.  Usually I'm whining and complaining by this time of night!  But today was a fun day.  

Workers came to the he's early and started drilling holes in the ceiling of the room right under me, but I was able to stay sleeping for the most part.  They had to break through a ton of plaster to get wiring through in order to be able to hang a light fixture in the living room.  It's going to make such a huge difference.  I'm also having a new fixture added to the large entry which is lit only by two sconces.  They got those things done and I'm pretty excited.  There's a lot of re-sheet rocking that has to be done, but ... that's just the way it is.  Tomorrow they are going to put a light fixture in the ceiling of my bedroom.  I can't wait to get a ceiling fan with a light fixture in here.  It's soooo dark in their right now.  I've found a beautiful white shabby chic ceiling fan I'm going to get to go in here which will look wonderful.  

The other great thing that happened is we got our baby grand piano delivered today!  My husband  was able to find a used Kawai at a fantastic price.  It looks beautiful and sounds great! 

My daughter and I went to a CAbi dealer.  If her not familiar, this is a clothing line that is only sold privately by dealers.  The designer, Carol Anderson, designs a spring and fall line each year which I almost always love.  I like the pants because they fit me better than any others, so I ordered three pants and two tops.  She had samples from previous seasons on sale and I were able to get our daughter several items for next-to-nothing.  Blouses were $10, a great skirt was $15, and a $200 jacket was marked down to $34, I think.  

She's looking at jobs up here now.  Chanel has a position for a graphic designer!  They want more experience than she has, but she's going to apply anyway.  Tommy Hilfiger has a position, also.  

My husband and I found out that a fancy, glossy, regional magazine is going to do an article about us as a "power couple"!  Crazy!  I'm going to be meeting with a stylist, apparently.  That's going to happen next week.  Thank goodness I already had a hair appointment scheduled for tomorrow!  

My brother responded to my email pretty angrily.  I sent a response back, addressing each of his arguments, except for one which was just an insult.  I haven't looked today to see if he responded back or not.  But it's a little weird because he sent my husband a Facebook friend request yesterday.  What's that about??

And ... I DEFEATED the evil Department of Motor Vehicles!! I did go to the other town and got everything done without a single hitch.  Thank goodness!  The town is very poor and a little freaky in places.  It looked like a good setting for a zombie movie!  

But, while I was leaving the dmv, a young man came up to me asking for money.  I had five dollars which I gave him and we had a long talk.  His mother died three years ago and he fell apart.  Started doing drugs and became addicted.  Lost everything he had, including his career as an underwear model (not something you hear everyday!)and is now homeless.  His dad is an addict and doesn't want him to come home.  His parole officer is recommending that he go to jail for six months to take care of some misdemeanors he has, get off the street and have food, and get six months sobriety under his belt.  We talked about it and I encouraged him to do this.  I asked him if he was at peace with God which opened up a great conversation in which I was able to affirm how dearly he was loved by God and how eager He was to forgive his sins and guide him.  He let me pray for him and I felt such love for him.  Poor homeless, motherless young man! I gave him my cell and asked him to call me before he goes into jail so that I can bring him things he needs and go visit him.   And I got his name in case I don't hear from him so I can follow up.  I have him a hug and he said he needed that so badly.  Our son has made some bad decisions and gotten into some trouble, but he always had us standing with him, loving him, and encouraging him.  So it breaks my heart to think of this kid with no one.  If you pray, please pray for him.  His name is Rob.  

We came home and went to eat at a Greek restaurant we all like and then watched a House MD and a Sherlock.  So ... fun day.  Only problem now is ... WHAT WILL I WEAR FOR THE PHOTO SHOOT!!!  Do you have any IDEA the amount of time and energy I can pour into something like this??  Of course you do!

Well, that's it for me.  


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