Monday, September 29, 2014

Day 259 - Great Weekend!

Dear Friends,

I am trying to be more mindful in the evenings of how I use my time.  I've spent a fair amount looking for a website which had several great possibilities for a console table or chest in the entry, but I can't find it on my iPad anywhere.  I wonder if it is on my husbands computer downstairs?  I've checked hay-needle, overstock, wayfair, one king's lane, and then image searches for one chest I could remember specifically.  But no luck.  I really hope I haven't lost it because a lot of time went in to looking for a narrow enough console or chest. It needs to only be 9-10 inches deep, and that's hard to get.     

I also sent three emails to the head facilities because there's a lot of work to be done before the baby grand arrives ... day after tomorrow!  And a lot of work to be done before the 10th of October when the stairway carpet will be installed. 

But the thing that took the most time was writing a letter to my brother and the rest of my family.  He sent out an email about our "Liar in Chief" and I wrote a long rebuttal.  Am I going to go into it here?  Mais, oui!  I'll just copy it here for you to read if you want.  I think it's important, but you cane just skip past it if you want.  

XXXX, it hurts me when I hear you saying something so deeply disrespectful like this.  I don't care who he is, I don't care what he's done, I don't care if he has lied.  What I do care about is how I obey God when it comes to the governing authorities.  Whether you like him or not, God is the one who put him in place as our president.  I don't know why, but he did not come into power accidentally.  

Please read Romans 13:1-2.p with a prayerful heart and ask if calling him the "Liar in Chief" is obeying this command at a heart level.  

All of you must be willing to obey completely those who rule over you. There are no authorities except the ones God has chosen. Those who now rule have been chosen by God. So when you oppose the authorities, you are opposing those whom God has appointed. Those who do that will be judged.

You may object to things he does, but it should be done with civility and not with insults.  When Paul spoke these words under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the ruler he was talking about was Nero, one of the greatest enemies of the church.  He is saying, specifically, that God had chosen this man, Nero, to be the emperor.  Whatever you want to say about "President Obama" (and that is the only proper way for a Christian to speak of him), he doesn't compare to Nero. And this means that God chose President Obama and put him in power.  The liberals didn't elect him.  The blue states didn't elect him.  God put him in the White House.  Until you really grasp that, you cannot humble yourself before God and act as His servant with His heart in any political struggles you feel you are called to engage in.  

Because we are a democracy does not negate God's authority in our elections.  I cannot begin to tell you how very much it hurt me to vote for a heretic during the last election, and truthfully, I would not be able to do it again.  But another election is coming up and conservatives will try to vote him out of office and will find out the night of the election if that was the will of God or not.  

My main problem is that you are acting like your heart is in this kingdom, the kingdom of the world.  And it should not be.  We live in a world that is under the domain of the evil one and, as Christ's ambassadors, we actually function in the role of secret agents, living in the kingdom of this earth while doing the work of the kingdom of heaven and trying to subvert the subjects of this kingdom to join the kingdom of heaven.  I believe it is right to stand against evil and injustice.  I think that America will always be under attack because Satan hates the things we stand for: freedom, justice and equality.  So I don't admonish you for your involvement in politics, but I do not think it is being done with a kingdom of heaven perspective when you use insults like this.   

We have a definite work we are supposed to be doing in this world in regards to the government, and I wonder if you are doing that work.  Please read I Timothy 2:1-6b-

 I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all people. 

We are told that our work here is to pray for kings those in authority with the aim that we can lead peaceful and quiet lives.  So, how much does your involvement in politics involve first deep, intercessory prayer for the politician.  Because I don't think you can revile or insult a man if you are humble and have the love of God for him in your heart and have spent real time praying for him.  

The main difference we have between us, and between me and virtually all of my family is that I don't see anyone having a Kingdom perspective or doing the work of the Kingdom or having the mindset of the Kingdom of Heaven or having confidence that God, the Heavenly Father, is at work in this nation for His own purposes and using us to fit into the role He has for us in His ultimate plan.  Everyone seems to be members of the kingdom of this earth and caught up in the things of this earth instead of having renounced your citizenship in that kingdom and living only as the Lord's servant.  

So ... there you go.  You are all welcome to take me off of your email lists or unfriend me or whatever you want to do.  

My family is one of the best arguments for higher education.  They are plenty smart enough, they just don't know how to think logically and to let their various beliefs and thoughts interact with each other within them so that they become a concise whole.  They are so easily manipulated that it kills me.  If Fox News says it, then they believe it!  A week ago, my other brother sent out an article saying with great outrage that no one from the government attended the funeral of a general who died in Afghanistan.  So, I looked it up on Snopes and it just wasn't true.  Not only was it not true, but they even found the guy who started the whole thing.  He thinks it's a huge joke because the "right-wing-nut-cases" just believed it and reposted and reposted without taking any time to check if it was true or not.  So I sent all this information to my brother and he said ... oh, wait.  He didn't say anything!  He didn't respond at all, and neither did anyone else that he sent it to.  

I had a fun time with my housekeeper/friend.  I took her to the Statue of Liberty and the 9-11 Memorial, all of which just blew her away.  The next day we went to see Mamma Mia and then went to a nice restaurant, walked through Times Square and stopped in at the Empire State Building.  She had such a wonderful time and I was so glad to have been able to give her this opportunity.  She did a lot of straightening of things in the basement, so I can probably take it from here.  She also got my glass desk put together!! That was great.  She is a lot of fun and we had a good time.  

I took her to the airport and she got to see my daughter who came in right before she left and was able to give her a hug.  She loves both my kids!  

I was SOOOOO glad to see my daughter!   Yay!  She and her boyfriend had a huge fight last night, and they haven't been doing very well already anyway.  So, she's more interested in moving here now than she was, which is great!!  She says she just wants to hang out and not necessarily go into the city, but I'm hoping we can go to the 9-11 Memorial at least.  It is unbelievable!!  Excellent, excellent job!

Well, that does it for me, I guess.  Still need to find comfort shoes for walking Manhattan!  And I have to get ready for our high school reunion at the end of next month.  


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