Sunday, September 14, 2014

Day 264 - Why Am a I Still Awake??

Dear Reader,

It's 11:40 pm and I'm still awake, but soooo sleepy!  I'm at that point where I'm too tired to get out of the bathtub and go to bed.   Our son called just as we were getting in bed and I got up and went into my study to talk to him.  Whole talking I started going through a box of things that has had me totally intimidated.  There are my notes when I first taught the Gospel of John to a college student I was mentoring.  Then there are chapters from the first book I started writing. Then there are lessons when I tried to convert it for teaching at a Sunday school.  Then the chapters for a book I started on just the prologue of John.  Then a break off study I taught for two weeks on whether or not God is responsible for evil.  ALL of it tossed in together and a lot of it not stapled and all over the place. Plus just a ton of other stuff.  By the time he and I hung up after about 40 minutes I was so close to having everything sorted that I continued until I was done.  

I got a lot done on my study this weekend, primarily because I had some cleaners in on Monday.  That helped soooo much!  I have a different company coming in tomorrow.  8 wanted someone twice a week, but I'm going to see how just once a week will work.  

We visited the church that has 4:00 pm services again this Sunday, hoping that the jazz music would have turned out to be something they just did in the summer.  But ... nope!  I was so disappointed because the church is really quite bearable other than that.  The music director is a woman with an amazing voice -- she used to do Broadway.  But I don't think she gets worship at all.  The reason is that she did "10,000 Reasons" by ... is it Matt Redman?  If you know the song you know what a beautiful, worshipful song it is.  But she gave it a jazz style and sang it too fast and sped up the tempo too much and did the verses very rigidly so it was almost a march.  It just hurt!  I think she even took out the "Bless The Lord, oh my soul" part of it.  So, well have to keep looking.  I like that it is a high church format, or at least moderately high church.  I really love the creeds and the blessings.  For me, they call me back to the centrality of Jesus and the gospel.  

Afterwards, we went to a French bistro where they serve absinthe.  I had read up on it already and learned that it's been legal since the 1930's, and the whole thing about it being a hallucinogenic was made up by the French wine companies because it was cutting into their sales!  You serve it at a ratio of 1:3 or 1:5 with cold water.  The water causes the oils from the plant seeds that are used (anise, fennel, etc.) to emulsify, making it an opaque, pale green with a heady bouquet of anise.  When prepared properly it has about he same amount of alcohol as a glass of wine.  I had two cubes if sugar dissolved in mine while the water dripped in and it was just delightful!  The aroma was amazing!  

Well, I'm going to get down to serious business now and go to bed.  

MUST go to the chiropractor tomorrow!  My shoulder is hurting badly.  Ugh!



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