Thursday, September 11, 2014

Day 267 - And ... I'm Back!

Dear Long-suffering Reader,  

First off ... yet another punctuation question.  When using a hyphenated word in a title, do you capitalize the second part of the hyphenated word?  Where's my Turabian when I need it?!  (Boy, did I just date myself with that reference?!). 

So ... where have I been?  I've been right here, but just in too bad of a mood to talk.  And, too tired to stay I late enough to write.  And not in the mood during the day.  So, there you go. Question answered.  

I did not do well from eating the things I was allergic too.  I had some throat and tongue swelling and was still wheezing into the next day.  But that was not the worst of it.  I felt exhausted but hoped that I'd get some energy if I just went on with my housework as planned.  But that didn't happen.  My HYPERADRENERGIC (just love using that word!) dysautonomia raised it's ugly head and gave me fits.  I kept losing control of my body temperature.  The first time I had just swept a tiny section of the kitchen floor when I got incredibly hot and started sweating badly.  Had to set down for about forty minutes before my temperature got back down.  The second time was even worse and I had to get in a cold bath for about a half hour.  The third time I wised up and quit working as soon as it started so it didn't get so out-of-hand.  I'm being, in general, very reactive.  I had a chocolate protein shake that contained nothing I am allergic to, but I swelled up huge anyway.  

I think that's what caused me to shut down.  All I could think was that something had to give.  I can't keep eating turkey, shrimp and tilapia ... ONLY!  I thought I would never quit being able to eat a corn tortilla with refried beans on it and veggie cheese shreds.  But, guess what?  I have!  I am so frustrated by it, I can't tell you.  I can TRY to tell you, but you get the idea.  I need to learn about food rotation and see if that can help.  The idea is you eat a food YUNARE allergic to, but y don't eat it again for five days.  Your body senses it when you eat it and forms the antibodies to attack it the next time you eat it.  But you don't eat it again and so the antibodies get re absorbed.  Then, when you do eat it again, you start the process again.  But it's very complicated and I haven't taken the time to figure it out yet.  My new doctor has a nutritionist on staff.  If you join as a functional medicine patient and pay the yearly fee, you consult with the nutritionist once a month.  You also get to use the e-stem as much as you want ... heaven!  It is so effective for pain.  And there are other services you get as well that I'll explain at another time.  I just have to make an appointment and get in and get started.  I've called rice and they have called back, but I've missed them.  They use something called Patient Portal that you use to access your records and make appointments and envy thing, but I can't figure out how to sign up for it.  It keeps saying to "Log In" but there is no place to create a new account.  Technology strikes again!

I did do something very positive today that I am proud of.  I looked up the jazzercise center near me.  The prices are awfully high, which is one reason why I haven't already joined.  There's an initial fee of $99 (that's the special price, the usual price is $150!) and then $69 a month is you sign up for 12 months, or $89 a month if you just sign up for six months!  What if I can't do it?  What if I tear a tendon?  What if I almost pass out and what if my blood pressure craters?  What if I'm too weak to drive home after a class?  But, I decided I was just going to have to face those "what ifs."  So I got online to see where it was because I thought I'd go by and check it out today.  Well, I saw that they were having a special.  Can't remember now what it was except that it wasn't especially great.  But then I came across a groupon that let me buy 25 classes for $69 with no sign up fee.  And it's good for three months from when you first come in.  So, I'm pretty pumped about getting started with this and I SWEAR that I am not going to over-exert and injure myself!

Darn!  Just saw the time.  That's it for tonight.  


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