Saturday, September 6, 2014

3:30 and I'm Still Awake!

Dear Reader,

Guess who can't find her Xanax?  Yep.  No idea where it could be! I've looked everywhere.  I didn't need it last night, so I'm trying to think back two nights, which is not happening.  I am always super careful with that bottle, but I've looked everywhere and I can't find it.  Oh!  Just remembered that I should put on my headphones and listen to the piano solos on pandora.  That usually works.  

I haven't written for a few days.  Not because I forgot or because it slipped my mind, but mostly because I just didn't want to.  Accountability gets dreary sometimes!  But there's another reason, a good one.  I've been getting sleepy earlier in the evenings and I've not wanted to stay up to write!  So that's a good thing.  

The school year finally started and the students are back on campus.  We ate dinner in each of the two cafeterias the first couple of nights, so that was fun watching them start responding to my husband.  We had a girls' soccer match, and those gals can play!  Far more energetic game than the university we cam from.  (From which we came!)

I'm still having problems with my shoulder.  I went to the chiropractor earlier this week and he said that I have "ligament laxity" so my spine is going to come out of place much more often than other people, and I will need to find a regular pattern for getting an adjustment.  He wants to try to taper me down to whatever works for me whether it's once a week or once a month.  He said that if I allow it to just stay out of place like I do until the pain gets so bad I HAVE to go in, I will get "accelerated arthritis."  What???? So, finding out that my typical neglect will have ultimate consequences was shocking.  My neck is still being really hard for him to move on the side on which the shoulder is messed up, though it is adjusting more easily than when I first started going in.  My arm really hurts.

I threw caution to the wind this evening and ate three things that I'm allergic to.  We went to a very nice restaurant (cha-ching!). I was allergic to almost everything on the menu.  I decided to go with the soft shell crab, with them using rice flour instead of wheat.  I'm allergic to crab, but I haven't had it in more than a year so I thought it would be okay.  But we ordered polenta and it was delicious! It tends to be delicious when it's half corn meal and half Parmesan cheese!  I am, of course, allergic to cheese, but I ate it anyway.  And then, they came out with fried garbanzo beans in truffle oil, which I ate as well ... I'm allergic to garbanzo beans!  And there may have been some wheat crumbles on the broccoli rabe, but I didn't ask what it was.  I was just so tired of having all these food allergies and wanted to eat like a quasi-normal person!  I changed the way the crab was prepared and the chef switched the potato he served me since the one that was usually served incorporated wheat flour.  The result is ice been managing a reaction this evening.  Some tongue swelling and throat swelling, definite lip swelling and I have some wheezing going on in my chest.  But, I have managed it without taking a prednisone, so that's good.  I have had a ranatidine, a hydroxizene, a rapid-dissolve Claritin, and food allergy drops.  I may take so me benedryl when I go back upstairs just to hit it again with another form of anti-histamine.  

I've been trying all day to make paint decisions which has driven my anxiety up really high.  I don't have time to get samples and try things out, so I'm just having to figure things out from the paint chips.  I'm trying to decide if I can do a white-based breakfast room, but an ivory-based den.  You can't see either room from the other so I think it will be okay. I'm still ordering fabric samples, though I went ahead and grabbed some Laura Ashley fabric that I found at Calico Corner which was on a very good sale on ebay, slightly less than three yards.  There is a Duralee fabric I found also at Calico Corners that is an awesome plaid with all the right colors and just beautiful ... and discontinued!  I've been all over the web looking for it and finally emailed Duralee asking if they have any of it leftover.  I want to at least be able to make a couple of pillows!  

Well ... I'm going to go give sleep another try.  



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