Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Day 272 - Visit With the Doctor

Dear Reader, 

I had an eventful visit with the doctor today.  I was able to pick up the carnitine supplement that helps you build muscle, metabolize fat, and have energy... the substance that I don't have any of.  And she gave me a prescription for anxiety that is supposed to be effective all day, rather than just taking a Xanax at night so I can sleep.  I'll get that filled tomorrow. I'm looking forward to trying it. My husband says I was on it during the depression.  

The doctor and I talked about my shoulder issues and she felt it and said she wanted me to have trigger point injections.  They do injections of a combination of B12 and lidocaine.  She also suggested an IV infusion.  Apparently infusions are a huge deal on the west coast.  I don't remember everything that was in this at the moment, but it's a big dose of Vitamin C, all the B vitamins, zinc, magnesium, ... can't remember the rest except glutathamine also.  I think that's what it is.  It's the enzyme that helps your body eliminate heavy metals and that I am apparently have very low levels of.  It's also supposed to help y with energy.  It's basically a big dose of vitamins and minerals directly into your blood stream, this bypassing the metabolic system and eliminating any reactions to foods that would contain these nutrients.  We'll see.  I was impressed again with this doctor.  

She said that she wanted to introduce me to her naturopath and have her be in charge of my supplements and other aspects of my care.  And, the naturopath turned out to be the woman I didn't want to see on my first visit!  And, guess what?  She's terrific!  She looks a mess.  Very unkempt and her clothes are too small for her and,just, in general ... a mess!  But, boy!  Does she know her stuff!  I was really impressed with her.  I'd still do the same thing as I did before and say that I would rather see the doctor.  But I'm very glad to have her be part of my care.  She went over all my tests again and asked me a lot of questions.  Then, she said that her next question might seem very random but, how was my childhood?  I said, off the charts.  And she said, I thought so.  That is what your test results are telling me.  So, weird, huh?  

Anyway, she did these injections into trigger points all over my back.  She'd be walking her fingers around and all of a sudden hit one and I'd yell!  I asked her about the lump in my arm and, sure enought, I've got a lump in my arm!  I thought maybe it was just a muscle that was swollen, but nope.  It is called, to be technical, a "lump".  She said it doesn't feel like a tumor, but feels like it is fluid-filled.  So, I have to get a cat scan of it this week and go back in next week for the results.  

I met with the man in charge of all the facilities here at the college today.  I think were both glad that the man I've been mostly dealing with is leaving.  I got my paints all written up in a document for him, and then a document with everything that needs to be done to the house.  He thought that A LOT of these things had already been done and wasn't happy to find out that they hadn't been.  So, we got a lot of nuts and bolts worked out and he is putting someone else in charge of taking care of things and he and I are going to communicate directly now.  I think things should get to rocking pretty quickly.  

I guess that's it for me tonight.  


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