Friday, September 12, 2014

Day 266 - Busy Day!

Dear Reader, this will be short because I'm very tired.  I had to get up early this morning at 8:30 (gasp!) to get to my husband's convocation speech.  To say it was a success is an understatement! The faculty gave him a standing ovation.  I'm used to him getting standing ovations because he's an amazing speaker.  But it turns out that this is the very first time this has happened here!  I had several people tell me that they had been here for twenty years, etc., and that this had never happened.  He's gotten a lot of emails from people thanking him for the inspiring speech.  So, I'm glad that's over for him because it was pretty stressful.  

I tried to get into the chiropractor today because my arm and shoulder are starting to hurt again badly, but he closed early today!  So, I guess it's going to be a pretty painful weekend.  

Then, I went with my husband into the city for a dinner at a very exclusive club,  I was impressed!  There was no sign of any sort on the building other than the address number.  But once you went inside, it was wonderful!  Very old with many famous past and present members.  The art collection displayed everywhere was fantastic!  I saw two Winslow Homer paintings.  One of them, a watercolor they kept behind a small velvet curtain.  I presume to protect it from the light, but I thought there was special glass that did that.  

The dinner was nice, but not excellent.  There were very few things that I could eat.  I ordered a poached lobster salad, but inquired to be sure it didn't have mayonnaise because of the eggs.  They had to check and it turned out it did so I switched to a mushroom dish that was delicious.  Then I ordered the duck and it was unremarkable.  It came with maybe a tablespoon of butternut squash purée and about two bites of broccoli rabe.  What is with people being so stingy with the vegetables??  I couldn't have any of the bread so let me tell you what ... I was hungry!  My husband was talking so much that he was the last one to finish his meal and I was eyeing his potatoes wondering just how inelegant I would be of me to reach across and eat them off his plate!  Then the dessert tray came by and they had some berries and sorbet, so at least I got a little something.  

The company, however, was indescribable in its own way.  As in, indescribably boring!!  It is a really rare thing for me to not find people interesting.  But this was just dull,dull, dull.  My husband caught my eye a couple of times with an obvious apology on his face.  We have to go out with some other people tomorrow night.  I hope that they will be more interesting and enjoyable. 

I've decided that I don't like the train.  I'll be taking it, of course, anyway ... but I don't like it.  Molded plastic seats, fluorescent lighting, recirculated air.  And when you get off the train at Grand Central Terminal the air is hot and smells bad.  The worst thing on this trip, though, was the smell in the elevator at the train station.  It wasn't a nasty smell. More like a chemical smell that's gotten up in my nose or mind and I keep smelling it.  Ugh.  It almost made me sick. 

I really have got to find comfortable, but dressy, shoes!  I wore my lowest kitten heels and we didn't have to walk terribly far, but my feet still really hurt badly.  

Well, that's enough for now.  I've been having some thoughts about the French vous and tu lately and how it affects women.  Maybe I'll have time to talk about it tomorrow.  


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