Friday, September 26, 2014

Day 262 - Entering the Twilight Zone

Dear Reader, 

And by "the Twilight Zone " I, of course, mean the New York Department of Motor Vehicles!!  It's a pure nightmare there!  I went back in today for the sixth time, I think, simply trying to get my car registered!  I have done EVERYTHING it says to do online!  I even found specific instructions for having someone else register your car for you when you can't come in.  So I printed off and filled out everything, took my husband's temporary drivers license card in because his permanent one has not come in yet, his passport and his social security card because it says to bring in "proof of identity."  The first thing the first woman said to me made me mad and colored the rest of the entire venture.  For some reason,you have to provide a copy of your title from the lien holder -- that makes sense -- but then you ALSO have to have a letter from the bank "on their letterhead" saying that they know you have moved the car to New York and are registering it there and that that's fine with them.  Then the bank has to write something down and have it notarized ... I don't remember exactly what that was.  So, the first woman I see looks at my stuff and tells me that I HAVE TO GET A NEW LETTER FROM THE BANK BECAUSE THIS ONE IS TOO OLD!  Right then I knew that I was going to lose my mind!  I objected and said there was no reason for me to get a new letter from them and they could not go making up new rules at their whim!  I have to have this letter.  I HAVE this letter!  I've been trying to register the car for months and have brought the letter with me each time, etc. and that it NOWHERE said anything about when the letter had to be issued!  Well, she said it did and that the thing that the person wrote on the title and had signed and attested to by a notary public would not pass because it couldnt be in HANDWRITING,! It had to be STAMPED on the letter.  I did not go ballistic yet.  I said that that was why it had been NOTARIZED and there is nothing sauing it can't be handwritten and has to be stamped and they don't MAKE a stamp that says that!  She said, yes it had to be stamped.  And, I'm off and running by that point!  Told her that that is not the case, she can't just make up new rules, I wasn't going to get a new letter from the bank and every time I come they were changing things and they couldn't do that.  (I was NOT going to let go or back down this time!). I said I wanted to talk to the supervisor. So then she and the supervisor had to yell at each other across the room several times about why she could t transfer my service number to a different counter.  YELLED!  Several times, back and forth! The supervisor finally yelled at her to send me down to a particular counter where I met her.  

She started telling me that my husband has to come in.  I said no he doesn't and whoed her on my iPhone where specific instructions are given for registering a car for someone else.  So then she started in on I had to get a new letter from the bank.  I was indignant and asked why in the WORLD I would need a new letter when all it says is that it is okay with them for me to register the car! She says, well it's been two months and who knows what's happened in the two months with this car.  I think I was pretty much yelling at this point, and said that the car had been sitting in our village for these two months because they wouldn't let me register it!!  She still said I had to have a new letter and I said, No!  I did not and I absolutely was not going to get a new one.  That there was no reason, there was nothing in the New York regulations that would require that and she could not make up rules.  Show me the regulation that says it has to be dated a particular date and I would comply.  Otherwise, I absolutely was not going to.  So, she backed down on that one. But then she said that I had to have his permanent drivers license with his picture and his temporary license was no good.  All that anything says for registering a car is that you have to fill in the drivers license number, which I had done.  Nowhere does it say this nonsense about having to have the picture ID license.  So they bring out a form showing what proofs of identity you have to have to get a drivers license, one possibility of which is using your state drivers license which y then surrender to them.  So I'm trying to explain that that is the regulation for getting a DRIVER'S LICENSE ... not for registering a car!!  The instructions for registering a car just say to bring a proof of identity!  And the I said, so basically, what you are telling me is that New York doesn't want anyone moving here from a different state because they are making it IMPOSSIBLE TO REGISTER A VEHICLE HERE!  Then she started going on about how his name is different on different things!  He signed his passport with his full name, his license with his shortened first name and last name, the insurance is in his full first name and last name.  I try to explain to her that THIS, the way he signed his driver's license was his legal signature!   But couldn't get that through at all.  I ultimately asked to talk to her boss who came out, very sweet.  She said that she would personally take care of the bank letter and I wouldn't need to do anything about that.  But she was dead set on I had to have his permanent drivers license and I have to contact the insurance company and get them to put his middle initial on the proof-of-insurance form so they could know that this was all one person.  

And you know ... there comes a point where you finally just have to walk away.  All I'm trying to do is register the car so I can purchase the license tags and pay whatever money the state of New York wants me to pay.  That's it.  I want to GIVE THEM MY MONEY ... But because of these type of women, I can't.  The only thing is that I argued down all three New York women!  I told you, you can't out-attitude a Texan!  Each of them started out with a bunch of attitude, but ended being very courteous.  Weird weird weird.  One of them said something about how "it" wouldn't get through Albany, I guess the main dmv office.  So I think I'm just going to call Albany on Monday and talk to someone in charge and tell them what's been going on.  And I'm not going back to this branch.  There's another one in a different town that I'll go to next time.  I am completely at my wits end.  Have the insurance company reissue their proof of insurance and include his middle initial so that they can know that this is the same person.  

It's like the bank issue the other night when I needed to send our daughter some money.  They made a coding error in everyone's online ... thing.  I just needed them to correct their coding mistake so I could transfer her money.  But they wouldn't fix their mistake because I couldn't tell them a date and an amount of a recent transaction I had made on my debit card.  My debit card which I don't use.  And they would not do it.  They would not fix their error.  

SO ... the moral of the story is that I don't EVER want to hear ANYONE make fun of people in the South!  Ever, ever, ever!  I can't remember running into this kind of brick wall of stupidity in all my years in the South.  Stupidity, yes.  Brick-wall stupidity, though?  Nope!  

Then, this evening I'm reading what had been an interesting novel set around evidence of Europeans coming to America a century before Columbus did.  Not the Vikings who came in the 1000 AD vicinity, but Scots who came in the 1300's.  It's going along, pretty good plot, pretty good characters, pretty good pace ... when all of a sudden I find myself in the middle of a Dan Brown, Da Vinci Code thing!!  All of a sudden the two main characters are told tha the archeological thing that they are searching for and being hunted down for is no less than the geneology of the blood line of Jesus through the child He and Mary Magdalene had!  The Vatican doesn't want it to be found, but the people who are of the geneology want to find it to prove that they are descended from Jesus!  OH MY GOSH!!!!  I tried to quit reading there, but the damage was done and I was so mad!  You know what the evidence was that Jesus had a child with Mary Magdalene?  Well ... some monk in the 1100's referred to her in a sermon as the bride of Christ.  And someone in the 1200's made a stained glass window that shows Jesus and Mary Magdalene holding hands and she is pregnant.  And then in some cave somewhere there is a very rough carving that shows a man and a woman and a child, which someone has said is Jesus and Mary and their daughter!  I'm not quite sure how Him DYING ON THE CROSS AND BEING RAISED BACK TO LIFE, CONQUERING DEATH, somehow equates into Him later hiding out in France with her!  You know, there is nothing in the Bible indicating that she was a prostitute?i hope you knew that .. Otherwise,my haven't been pang attention!  You know why people think that she was a prostitute?  BECAUSE SOME POPE IN THE 1200's SAID SHE WAS!!!   But out two characters become convinced by this compelling argument that Jesus had an illegitimate child with Mary Magdalene.  

It just makes my heart sick.  Once I get over being furious, that is!  There's so much more I'd like to say, but my husband just came and said I have to come to bed.  It's 2:00 am.  

The doctor said that one of my new supplements might start making me nervous or on edge.  I'm thinking maybe that's happening.  



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