Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Day 243 - A Better Day

Dear Reader, 

Well, I handled today better, thank goodness.  I felt really bad when I got up, but I started right in on working through the lessons I've missed.  They were just what I needed, too.  All about feeling stuck and unable to make progress in your life.  So that was good.  

There were workers everywhere in the house today!  At one point, I looked upwards to someone on the stairs and my neck made a loud cracking sound and I thought I was going to pass out for a minute.  He thought I was going to pass out, too, and rushed down the stairs in a panic.  Wonder what that was?  

I called the attorney for the city of Houston to find out what in the world was going on there.  In case you haven't heard, the mayor has demanded that some of the pastors turn over their sermons to her.  Yeah, right!  A bunch of people have filed a lawsuit against this and  I was told they weren't answering questions during the discovery stage of the suit.  I knew  I wouldn't be told anything.  I mostly just wanted to communicate that this was garnishing national attention and that they were getting phone calls from housewives in New York, for crying out loud!

Then, I went to a Mexican food restaurant for lunch and made great choices!  I had a watercress salad with roasted beets, orange segments and a vinaigrette dressing along with three chicken tacos.  

Then I had a mani/pedi at a different place and really liked the Korean women there.  Much friendlier than the other local place I've been to.  

I went to a Jewelers to get batteries in watches and clocks and jewelry repaired, things I've had in my car for four months!  Then I went to the chiropractor for an adjustment.  After that I went to a health food store and bought something's for dinner.  I started to buy a bison steak, until I learned it was $18!  So I instead had a sweet potatoe with a veggie patty I sautéed with a bunch of mushrooms.  

I got some more laundry done, cleaned the kitchen, and met with the pet sitter who will watch the animals while were gone.  So, whew!  Hoping to get a lot more done tomorrow and get caught up in this course.  

Oh, plus ... I weighed last night because I felt like I had gained a ton of weight.  But, nope.  Not even a pound.  Wonder why I feel so much fatter?  Well, that's it for me.  


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