Monday, October 27, 2014

Day 232 - AWFUL DAY'

Dear Reader,

I'm not going to go into my whole day.  I'll just say that there are at LEAST as many incompetent people up here in administrative positions as there has ever been in the South.  Someday everything I went through today trying to get the MRI taken of my shoulder will be funny.  But not right now.  Still don't have an appointment and I am really in bad bad pain almost all the time now.  Definitely not funny.  

Plus, I am not feeling kindly towards my family at all.  Again, not going into all the details, but I've been trying to have a nice conversation via email with my oldest brother. But he just utterly ignored every bit of my kind of chatty letter and just focused in ine thing I said and used it to make a statement basically saying how vastly superior he is to everyone else.  What's more surprising is that I actually let it hurt me.  Pretty badly.  

Then later I called my mother and every bit of the conversation was like a sword fight.  She was contentious about everything.  She said she was going to drive to an amtrak station two hours away to see what kind of security they have for her car.  I,said,that she might phone them first, and she interrupted me about how she wanted to see for herself, she didn't trust people to say the truth on the phone and she wasn't one of those people who just go on what people say!  She wants to KNOW! So she's going to make a four hour round trip to do this.  Since she had interrupted me before going off on this rant, I just said, "well, what I was going to say was that you might call them before you make that drive because they may tell you that they don't have any security for cars."  To that she said, "Oh."  

I did finally get all of the upstairs paint picked out and even found a wallpaper for my bathroom.  The designer I was working with is coming on Wednesday to help me figure out the family area of the house which is a relief.  

It's almost 2:00 and I haven't read my Bible yet.  Tomorrow is my husband's birthday.  Got to get myself into a better mood before the morning comes!

Hope you had a better day and have less annoying family members!


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