Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Day 237 - I Need a Personal Assistant!

Dear Reader, 

It's not quite 11:30 and I'm trying to get to bed early tonight.  I have a 9:30 AM (!) doctor's appointment tomorrow!  It's the only time they have so I had to take it to get my Klonopin prescription.  I also have to have the back scratch allergy test and get a place cut off of my arm that I think is probably pre-cancerous.  She may decide to send me to a dermatologist, though, for it.  It won't go away.  I've scratched it off several times, but it keeps coming back.  It's like a place I had on my leg a few years ago that was a pre-cancer spot.  I can't have the MRI on my arm done until the doctor talks with the insurance company.  They apparently ask a million questions before they will approve it.  

I organized my giant to-do list today, and it's a scorcher, for sure.  Organized, it takes up about three pages!  I worked pretty steadily today, but I have this appointment and a meeting to plan the thanksgiving luncheon we are hosting for the faculty and staff.  

Our new mattress should be delivered soon.  They put it on sale $500 and are going to give me the sale price, so that will be great.  Then I can start putting our son's bedroom together.  It is still a disaster with tons of boxes in it.  

I was really tired today and felt kind of sick.  Probably just getting over the trip.  And, yes, I am very aware that the days are ticking by without me having started exercising at all,   Or, as. Y daughter would say, "I am well aware!"  

I don't know how I am ever going to be settled in the house!  Everything is taking so long!  Right now I'm just trying to find ceiling fans for our bedroom, our daughter's bedroom, and the den ... but I'm having a really hard time finding them.  

Right now the big deal is trying to figure out how to wax the hardwood floors in the main rooms before the furniture arrives.  I used to do this by hand with Johnson's paste wax, but this is far too much square footage for that.  And there are so many new products on the market.  I'm having a had time sorting through it all.  Especially with a lot of things contradicting each other.  

So ... I've got a lot on my plate right now and will have at least to the end of the year.  

That's it for me.  Now ... I am going to put down my iPad and I am NOT going to shop anymore because I am going to go to bed NOW!

Good night!

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