Monday, May 4, 2015

Day 55 - Dinner for 21 and Power Went Out!

Dear Friend,

This will be really short and sweet because I am exhausted! I wasn't able to go to sleep until after 4:00 am AGAIN!!  I hadn't had any Klonopin for a few days, so I guess that's why the Xanax had no effect on me whatsoever.  I had to get on u this morning because the cleaners were going to be here at noon to clean the downstairs for this dinner we had and I had to have everything ready for them.  I didn't do dishes last night, but there weren't very many and I got them done quickly.  Then I got the laundry room cleaned out really well and finally remembered to bring the large presser upstairs to the dressing room where it will be much more convenient.  Since I'm keeping things neater (yay!) getting the downstairs ready went really fast.  

I had my prayer time and read my Bible outside with myfeet on the ground.  Read a little this morning about electricity and the human body.  You know how sodium and potassium a re important minerals?  Well, this is the most bizarre thing. The cells of a nerve have mostly sodium inside them and mostly potassium outside of them.  Sodium is positively charged and potassium is negatively charged.  Well, when the cell is stimulated, it opens, releasing the sodium and then the potassium flows in, and this movement of these two things, creates the electrical charge and triggers the next cell to do the same thing.  Pretty wild, huh?  

I exercised this morning and I am PATHETIC!  I don't think I have any muscles left at all in my legs!  Ten leg lifts and I start burning.  

We had dinner for a large group of girls tonight who are part of a newly formed Spirit Squad dance team.  I had done all of my work and was resting before I had to get ready for the event when, all of a sudden, the power went out!  I looked and found every candle I own, and that's a lot, and got them set out.  Then I went downstairs and found the screens that can be placed in the double doors in place of the clean plastic window panes.  We oiled back the double french doors and used the double screen doors and it was quite pleasant.  I had a good time with the girls.  I love college girls, and I love my husband and I sitting at either end of the table across from each other, smiling and laughing with them.  

Sonatas my short news for the day.  


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