Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Day 54 - Too Zonked to Do Much

Dear Friend,

Well, I seem to have one good day and then on exhausted day.  But, hey!  That's better than it used to be!  I had the whole day mapped out, but woke up simply exhausted.  

First, the landscape people came and completely removed the huge wisteria vines on the pergola.  The base of one of them is twelve inches across!  He said he was once called to cut down a wisteria that had grown into a tree and was bat two and a half feet across.  Then first set of house cleaners came to clean the first floor.  Then the rental company came to get their chairs.  Then a different group of housekeepers came to clean the second floor.  Then the dry cleaners came to drop off and pick up clothes.  Then the facilities folks came to take away the folding tables and out all the furniture in place.  So I was kept running most of the day.  I did get a couple of loads of clothes washed and did a lot,of arranging of things on a closet that is mostly my husband's casual clothes and removing a lot of winter clothes and bringing out a lot of summer clothes. So the day wasn't a total waste at least.  

I'm sorry to say that I got a new zombie novel that is great and I read it most of the day!  I downloaded the second book and have been reading it this evening.  I kept waiting for everyone to leave so I could go outside to pray and read my Bible, but the next group kept showing up.  I finally had to just give up and go to bed.  I had hoped to stay awake all day, but couldn't make it.  

I think I slept two hours before my husband came home.  He decided for us to go pick u our daughter at the train and go get Mexican food.  We found a place in Yniers and had an absolutely MISERABLE time!  They had a woman singing, and she had a very good voice.  But she was singing loud enough for an arena!!  We could not hear each other at all and were having to yell at each other.  Our food didn't come and didn't come.  We had to talk to three people before someone finally brought us our food after almost an hour.  I was so close to LOSING IT!!  No one ever refilled my water glass and the waitress took away my margarita before I had completely finished it!  Never, ever, again!!

We got home and I said, "FRIENDS!  Now!!"  So my husband and I sat down to watch one, which turned into three.  We usually watch two, but this time, my Jack Russell came walking near the couch and I grabbed her up, and she let me hod her and pet her for quite a while.  So, after the second show ended, my husband sweetly started a third one just sons could hold my dog some more.  She got down after awhile, but then came back and I picked her up again and laid her on my stomach and pet her for an even longer time.  I was so happy to get to do this.  It's been a few years now that she has been completely uninterested in any of us.  She used to sit by me in my armchair in my study while I read or prayed, but she had gotten where she wouldn't even do that anymore.  So this was just great!!  She's 16 and almost completely deaf, almost completely blind and completely incontinent!! She left so much poop on the kitchen floor last night that I think she only weighed half her usual weight this morning!

It's almost 1:30 now and I've got to hop in the tub to bathe.  I'll have to read my Bible on my iPad while I'm in there and then hopefully be able to go to sleep.  

I was very sore from exercising yesterday.  Too exhausted to do any today, so I decided that every other day might be enough for right now.  



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