Sunday, May 3, 2015

Day 55 - Did Some "Grounding" Today

Dear Friend,

Owwwww!  Hot burning pain in my right foot.  No reason, just there.  Welcome to my world.  

So, last night I couldn't go to sleep.  I was so exhausted, but I could not fall asleep until after 4:00.  I had not gotten my Xanax or Klonopin refilled, so I was too tense to get across that sleep threshold.  So, today was not a great day because I was pretty zonked, but it was okay. 

I didn't try to go to church and had stayed in bed to read my Bible and stuff, when my daughter came in and MADE me get up and go outside!  She knows I'm having problems with that, so I guess she took it upon herself to scoot me outside.   Of course, before I can go outside I had to clean up four piles of dog poopee and sterilize the floor, which is just so. much. fun.   

I just got word from my former housekeeper that her husband was offered a job today.  So very, very , VERY thankful for that!  He was in the army and the army has been downsizing, and he got turned out, which was a huge disappointment to him.  So, this is very, good news.  It's so strange that I can sit here in bed in New York and chat with her in Kentucky, where she lives.  Texting is the best thing!

But, back to my day.  I did go outside and sit at the small wicker dining table under the pergola.  This dead wisteria is driving me crazy!  They haven't cut it down yet.  I don't have very good clippers or I'd be doing it myself.  Anyway, I just read my current zombie novel for a while to get used to being there, and then I MADE myself make a decision and order umbrellas for beside the pool and two for the flagstone patio that gets broiling hot during the day.  I have been searching for probably a month now!  It came down to just making a decision.  I was going a little nuts because Amazon has more than a thousand patio umbrellas and I couldn't find one that got all good reviews and I didn't want to lay $200+ for an 11 foot umbrella if it wasn't going to hold up well.  I finally started going through just looking for the number of reviews and I found one that had almost 200 reviews with almost a five star rating.  And ... the price was UNBELIEVABLE!!  I got a ten foot umbrella for by the pool for (wait for it) $55!!!
And I got two nine foot umbrellas for the flagstone patio for $33 each!!  Super happy about that!  I got all three for less than I thought a single one was going to cost me.  I had to order another umbrella base, but I got a very good deal on one of those, too.  Better than I was able to find three years ago when I first looked for one.  

Have you heard about "earthing" or "grounding"?  It's this idea that you need to be in direct don't act with the ground for at least fifteen minutes a day to absorb electrons from the earth's surface.  I know it sounds completely crazy.  But I downloaded a free book from amazon by the guy who came up with this.  He's just a cable tv guy!  I can't remember how he got to thinking about this, but he tells about every idea he had and everyone he tried it out on and his efforts, that were finally successful, to get real doctors to do real tests on this theory.  The tests came back saying that it was definitely helping in all sorts of diseases, though they aren't sure why.  Which has led me to realize that I really do not understand electricity at all!  But I know everything in our body is actually powered by electricity and that every neurological message is electrical.  You can measure your body's electrical charge.  Isn't that strange? I'd never thought about it.  I've been doing a tiny bit of research into it.  I may have told you a out one experiment I saw where they had flowers in two vases of water and they grounded one vase but not the other.  The difference between how the two vases of flowers fared was dramatic!  So, I spent a fair amount of time barefoot on the ground today.  I figured, what the heck.  Can't hurt.  

I ate some cheese late last night because I was hungry and there wasn't anything else! No reaction at all.  And I ate some this afternoon ... same reason ... and no reaction at all!  This is so fabulous.  My doctor said she thinks my gut has healed so food particles aren't escaping through the intestines into the blood stream, so no allergic reaction is being triggered,  yay!  Now I have to remember what it is you're supposed to do to protect your gut.  It's taken years to get mine healthy again.  

Can you believe it's only 11:39?  I may actually be asleep before midnight tonight!

Have a great new week!


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