Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Day 46 - A Pretty Productive Day!

Dear Friend, 

This has been my best day in a long time.  Nothing to brag about from most people's perspectives.  But for me it was pretty exciting. 

First off, I woke up pretty easily this morning.  There was no struggle like there has been for so long.  But, I forgot to go pick up the refill of my cortisol prescription so I don't have one to take in the morning.  That may make a difference in how tomorrow goes.  My husband is still bringing me coffee in a thermos before he leaves for work.  Most of the time I am sleeping so hard that I don't wake up at all.  But it's lovely when I do wake up to see that he left me coffee to help me.  My dreams have reduced in number, frequency and intensity which has been really helpful.  Usually great dreams, but robbing me of the deep rest I need.  I guess that my life is starting to smooth out some so my brain doesn't need to dream as much to work out built up tension.  

I watched a coule of TED talks, read a little in my current zombie book, and got up and dressed.  I went downstairs to take care of the dogs and everything kind of slipped out of my grasp from that point on.  I got a lot done, but I was floundering the rest of the day.  

Several groups of people came to the house throughout the day, interrupting me constantly.  Three groups came out to look at the pergola and discuss all the repairs it needs.  I talked to one of the men in charge of facilities and I think I'm going to go ahead and have the stumps of these wisterias dug out.  The winter was hard on a lot of the plants and we lost many shrubs and the wisterias.  I thought I'd leave the stumps and let them start growing again, but I think I've decided to pull them out and plant new wisteria vines on the other side of the pergola and look for one of the types that is not as aggressive as this one was.  I know of one, but it has really stunted blossoms, which I don't like.  I'm hoping to find something else.  There is probably not much life left in these roots anyway.  Several of the shrubs in the landscaping in front of the house died as well and are going to have to come out.  

Anyway ... people in and out constantly.  But at least a refrigerator repair crew came out to fix the freezer and the ice maker.  They didn't talk to me before they left, so I don't know if it's fixed or not.  

But, here's the really great stuff I got done today.  First off, I wrote notes to the three men who are giving me references for the seminary and sent them the forms to fill out and I included addressed and stamped envelopes for them to use to mail them in.  I also got my request for a transcript made out and the check written.  And then ... you will not believe what I did!  I got in my CAR and drove to the POST OFFICE and MAILED them!  Is that amazing, or what??

I knew I had to write out bat my conversion, but I had not realized that I also had to write answers to ten essay-type questions.  I actually got those done!  I just reread them and they need a little doctoring up, but they are pretty much ready to go,  I still have to write about my conversion and about, basically, my life story.  Good grief!  That will be a book, even if I only tell the essentials.  So, my plan is to finish these tomorrow and mail them in.  

I came across one troubling thing, though.  New York requires that I produce proof of my immunizations!  Well, I have no idea at all where those are!  Apparently I can get a booster shot, but that kind of scares me because of my immune system problems.  You also have to be vaccinated for that form of meningitis that is so contagious and can spread through a school's population.  What's the name of that?  I can't remember.  

Well ... I can't have the flu vaccine because it is grown in eggs and I have such a severe reaction to it that it can kill me.  So, what the heck am I supposed to do about this?  I saw something where it looks like you can get around this is your doctor writes a letter saying that you are unable to take the vaccinations and you can still attend the school.  You want to know something funny?  This law does not apply to people who were born before January, 1957.  So, guess when I was born?  FEBRUARY of 1957!

I got some laundry done today, exercised, even doing some arm weights and some basic arm exercises, and did my "earthing."  

My big toe is killing me and I still haven't made an appointment with an orthopedic doctor.  I have an appointment coming up next month with an internist who my husband says is very good.  Hopefully he'll be able to give me some guidance about everything.  

I went to sleep yesterday around 1:00 am which was early for me,  I think I'm going to be able to lull it off again tonight.  Except ... I just downloaded the third in the series of books that I'm reading right now.,  one of the seminary questions was, "What is a book you have read recently, other than the Bible, that has challenged your way of thinking?" Or something like that.  My husband advised against using a zombie novel to answer that question!  :-)


P.S.  I do feel like my legs are starting to get a little stronger.  Yay!

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