Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Day 47 - You Will Never Believe What I Did Today!

Dear Friend, 

Today was a really nice day.  I know, I almost never say that.  Buts it's true.  I sent the head of facilities a private email saying that repairing the pergola and getting the pool running could not be lost in the lala land of the turf war between the college and the company that we have outsourced all facilities work.  I HATE outsourcing!  

So, the first thing I heard this morning was people outside inspecting the pergola, which is in really bad shape.  The columns appear to be okay, but many of the cross beams are completely rotted, not to mention all the chopped paint.  This pergola was such a thorn in my side all last year!  I'm going to be so happy having it nice and beautiful this year.  I also said the same thing abut getting the pool opened.  And when I went outside, there the man was, working on the pool.  Sure happy about this!!  And, to my surprise, someone power washed my plastic wicker dining set.  That's was great because I was dreading it.  The director and I met later and he is frustrated that so many things have still not been done and that the team he set u is not really flowing through like they were supposed to.  So he's going to use on that to get them functioning better regarding the house repairs.  

I exercised today and I did my earthing.  Yu know hw I said that I was keeping the house picked up better?  Well, there was hardly anything for me to do to have everything ready for the cleaning company to come over.  

But, here's the thing you'll be the most surprised about.  I have everything ready to send off for my transcript and the three letters of recommendation forms for the seminary.  Mailing them tomorrow!  I have still to write my personal experience of becoming a Christian and answer several questions,  I noticed one was whether or not I considered myself to be self-disciplined!! 

Sure tired. Ready for bed.  Good night!


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