Friday, February 6, 2015

Day 138 - Meh.

Dear Friends,

Today has been a bit better.  Still fairly dispirited.  I hope my husband is able to rest this weekend.  I had to give in to some Tylenol last night because of hurting so bad, it helped a lot thankfully.  I slept hard till 11:00, I think.  But couldn't fully wake up until after 12:00.  Then I was discouraged enough that I just didn't want to get up at all, but I did eventually.  I was able to get started in the library.  I got some things worked through and out away and a few more boxes out together for Salvation Army.  I'm looking forward to working hard in there tomorrow.  I guess I need to place an order for food, too.

My sons room is coming along and it is thinkable that it will be ready for our guests next month.  I have to move a huge armoire, a large oak dresser, and then unload two bookcases, move them, and load them back up properly.  Everything's just a mess in them right now.

The library is full of ridiculous things.  My family should be very afraid!  We've been in this house for almost eight months and no one has done anything with this stuff ... so I'm thinking that a whole bunch of it can disappear from the house without anyone even noticing.  It is all sorts of technology/game crap.  Remote controls and cables and plugs and wires!  Most of it is probably stuff the will never ever use again, but won't want to get rid of JUST IN CASE they might need them again someday.

There is a pile on my son's floor which is where I left off when things got urgent for getting ready for the breakfast.  I may try to work through that area of the floor tomorrow also.  I think were going to go see a movie tomorrow, and I learned about a sushi restaurant that is supposed to be unbelievably fantastic.  I'd like to check it out.

I've been really wanting to start volunteering at a no-kill pet rescue shelter.  There's one in a nearby village that uses volunteers to work with the animals to get them adoptable.  Many have come from terrible situations and need to learn to trust humans again,  so they need volunteers to come pet them and play with them and take them on walks, things like that.  I will probably look into that next week.  That along with starting to attend a women's Bible study in Manhattan should be great a opening my new world to other people,which will be good.

It seems like I had something else to tell you, but I can't think of it. Ow.  I have to get back to exercising next week.  Oh, I remember now.  I really need to see my doctor to see if she'll raise the cortisol levels since I still can't wake up.  But, the last time I was there I waited an hour and a half on her and then left.  The main doctor talked to me that they were having problems with her learning time management.  I finally called today and talked to the sweet office manager and asked her how all that was going.  She said that she was doing much better, so I went ahead and made an appointment for next week.

I made a sugar-free, grapefruit sorbet yesterday.  I had a serving of it today and, somehow, it upset my stomach like crazy!  It's a shame because it tasted really good.  I've changed my diet a lot with MUCH less sugar, carbohydrates and fried foods.  But no results on the scale.

So that's it for Mel. Have a great weekend!

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