Monday, February 9, 2015

Day 135 - Actually Walked Today!

Dear Friend,

Well, I feel like I got a lot accomplished today.  I have mountains of recycling to put out for Wednesday pickup.  I'll be so happy to get it out of my garage!

I didn't go to jazzercise today, but I did take a thirty-minute walk out in the freezing cold, so I'm pretty proud of,that.  We were supposed to have another big winter storm yesterday and today, but it didn't happen.  We got some more snow, but that was it.

Hmmmm ... not much to talk about.  I just worked today and made dinner.  I did get one great big box unpacked in the library.  It contained several ... things.  I don't know what they are.  Scanners? Printers? Game player things?

I finally got my stained glass window metal edges superglued back on.  I'm afraid to hang it, though.  Have real difficulty believing that it will be sufficient to hold it securely.  I was thinking of getting that see-through fishing line and tying it around the top to the bottom of the window and through the hooks so that it is actually holding the weight.

My doctor's flight was cancelled, so I will be seeing the main doctor tomorrow.  I'm kind of glad since my confidence in the other has kind of taken a hit.  That's what happens when you wait an hour and a half and she never comes out of her office.

Well, I'll say good night now.  Have a great day tomorrow!


P.S.  Where is my blog from yesterday???  I wrote a long one!
Never mind!  Found it!

Sent from my iPad

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