Sunday, February 8, 2015

Day 136 - Better Day

Dear Friend,

I started feeling better abut things last night.  Just found myself feeling cheerful again after all the chaos of last week.  Then tonight my husband and I were able to sit down and talk about everything that happened last week.  I told him that I felt like I had been stabbed in the back by two of the people involved who went to him and told him I was yelling at everyone and told everyone to get out and who knows what else.  He hasn't decided how to handle the matter yet.  But, honestly, I can't find any reason why the head of the company that takes care of facilities did not take care of things last week. I just can't figure that out unless he is a poor manager or just dithers and can't make up his mind how to prioritize things.  The manager before this one took such good care of me.  He wouldn't let me do anything and anything he saw me doing or found out I was going to do, he would say absolutely not! We'll do that, and would call some guys who would come take care of the matter.  Now, he was not a good manager in so many other ways, but I at least felt like I was being taken care of.  This guy ... it seems like he will only send someone over if there is NOTHING that needs to be done on any of the four campuses!  Hopefully things will get worked out.  The main person told me that he realized there was no system in place to monitor whether or not things actually got done or not.  I sent an email, he told them to take care of it and just assumed that they did.

Our daughter was very depressed all day today.  She said she didn't know what brought it on, but she just wanted to stay in her room.  When I looked in on her it looked like she had been crying.  Please pray that she gets a job soon!  She said she is planning on going to church with us next week.  The Koreans were much more friendly today.  I guess they finally got used to enough to feel more comfortable around us.

I did get more done in the library today, but I think I'm switching back to our son's room ... if I get to work on anything extra at all.  I have to spend the day getting everything ready for the cleaners to come in tomorrow, and do the laundry and go to jazzercise, and get a lot of packages packed up and taken to the post office.  I have an enormous todo list ready for tomorrow.  Ugh.  I'll be SO FREAKING GLAD when I'm finally unpacked and organized and every spare moment to doesn't have to go into unpacking things and figuring everything out.  I found a picture of a wreath I want to make for the front door for the rest of winter.  Let's see if I can copy it here.

Nope!  It copied, alright ... But GIGANTIC!

WTH!!i had a lot more written about this week, mostly committing to going to Bible Study Fellowship in Manhattan on Wednesday.  I'm trying to figure out the logistics of it now.  ... HOLD THE FORT!  A.  It's on Tuesdays and B. It starts at 9:30!  It's two miles from Grand Central Terminal, so that means a taxi.  So, say, twenty minutes to get off the train, get outside and catch a cab, and then ten minutes to get there.  That means arriving by 9:00 am!  Are people crazy??  Oh, this is not looking good.  A 7:18 train will have me there at 8:07, or the 8:18 train will have me there at 9:07.  Guess which one I'm going to take.  Yes, the 8:18.  I don't mind walking in late!  To get the8:18, I need to leave the house at 8:00. I'm not usually awake at 8:00.  To get dressed, makeup, hair, gather everything, feed the dogs, let them out, etc. I'm going to need to be up at 7:00. I know that's a normal time for a lot of people ... but it will be extraordinarily challenging for me.  

I think it probably ends at 11:30, but I'm going to want to eat lunch in the city.  So, let's say I'm ready to leave and at the terminal at 1:00.  I can pick up dinner and flowers at the market in the terminal and catch a 1:20 train that arrives at 2:05. Or, if I miss that, a 2:20 that arrives at 3:05.  Get off the train, walk to the car, drive home - fifteen minutes.  So, home at 3:20. Sleep an hour and fix dinner?  It's a doable day, but an awfully long one and will be exhausting.  That means no yoga or jazzerckse or animal rescue on Wednesday.  Or anything else.  

What do you think?  Any conceivable chance I'll do this??  Can't try this week because I have the doctor's appointment. It will either be a ton of fun and exciting,,or miserable and exhausting.  

Well, that's it for me tonight.  Cheers!
I started feeling better abut things last night.  Just found myself feeling cheerful again after all the chaos of last week.  Then tonight my husband and I were able to sit down and talk about everything that happened last week.  I told him that I felt like I had been stabbed in the back by two of the people involved who went to him and told him I was yelling at everyone and told everyone to get out and who knows what else.  He hasn't decided how to handle the matter yet.  But, honestly, I can't find any reason why the head of the company that takes care of facilities did not take care of things last week. I just can't figure that out unless he is a poor manager or just dithers and can't make up his mind how to prioritize things.  The manager before this one took such good care of me.  He wouldn't let me do anything and anything he saw me doing or found out I was going to do, he would say absolutely not! We'll do that, and would call some guys who would come take care of the matter.  Now, he was not a good manager in so many other ways, but I at least felt like I was being taken care of.  This guy ... it seems like he will only send someone over if there is NOTHING that needs to be done on any of the four campuses!  Hopefully things will get worked out.  The main person told me that he realized there was no system in place to monitor whether or not things actually got done or not.  I sent an email, he told them to take care of it and just assumed that they did.

Our daughter was very depressed all day today.  She said she didn't know what brought it on, but she just wanted to stay in her room.  When I looked in on her it looked like she had been crying.  Please pray that she gets a job soon!  She said she is planning on going to church with us next week.  The Koreans were much more friendly today.  I guess they finally got used to enough to feel more comfortable around us.

I did get more done in the library today, but I think I'm switching back to our son's room ... if I get to work on anything extra at all.  I have to spend the day getting everything ready for the cleaners to come in tomorrow, and do the laundry and go to jazzercise, and get a lot of packages packed up and taken to the post office.  I have an enormous todo list ready for tomorrow.  Ugh.  I'll be SO FREAKING GLAD when I'm finally unpacked and organized and every spare moment to doesn't have to go into unpacking things and figuring everything out.  I found a picture of a wreath I want to make for the front door for the rest of winter.  Let's see if I can copy it here.

Nope!  It copied, alright ... But GIGANTIC!

WTH!!i had a lot more written about this week, mostly committing to going to Bible Study Fellowship in Manhattan on Wednesday.  I'm trying to figure out the logistics of it now.  

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