Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Day 134 - Hope You Didn't Really Expect Me to Go to Manhattan Tomorrow!

Dear Friend, 

As much as I would like to blink my eyes and BE at Bible Study Fellowship tomorrow ... we both know it's not going to happen!  I'd have to get up too early for one thing to catch the train and it's all a little too much for me to do just yet.  

I surely did take that walk yesterday ... and I surely did sprain my ankle doing so!  It's all swollen and hurting today.  I didn't go to jazzercise today, but it was because my doctor's  appointment took too long.  She is taking me off my allergy drops, she thinks I've been on them long enough.  She's also taking me off my bio-identical hormone replacement cream ... she thinks my blood levels are looking right.  My testosterone has come down from 90 to a normal level of 2.  I'll still be taking the progesterone, which she says converts to estrogen.  So, well see how this works.  Let's see ... she also wants me off the Ranatidine and the Allegra, but to stay on the hydrocortisone.  I'm willing to give it a try.  If my reactions come back, I can always add them back in.  

She said the problem with my waking up in the morning is because I'm taking the hydroxizene, and now the Melatonin and Travacore and the Klonopin ... so all of that together is being too much for me to be able to escape in the morning.  She doesn't want to increase the cortisol, but she did prescribe me a new medication that she says will absolutely wake me up.  She doesn't want me using it every day, though. She also told me to start taking my entire dose of welbutrin in the morning instead of taking half in the morning and half I the evening.  She said it will also help wake me up.  I didn't get the prescription filled yet, but plan to tomorrow.  The Travacore supplement has improved my sleep so much!  

She really thinks I should do the diet program that my usual doctor runs.  It's kind of pricey because you get a shot each week of human growth hormone, or something like that.  With a low calorie eating plan and the shot, you lose one pound a day!  What the shot does is it causes your body to maintain your metabolic level despite the lessening of calories, so you get the full benefit of the diet.  This doctor, the main one oh is an MD and functional medicine doctor believes that my health will improve greatly when I lose this weight.  I need to lose 30-50 pounds.  That would be amazing.  I'm very interested in doing it.  

I got some real work done in the library and in my son's room today.  Soooo much more to go, but they are both beginning to appear to be possible.  I hope to be able to catch up on the laundry tomorrow and work hard in these two rooms.  Plus get a lot of packages taped up and MAILED!!!  

I need to return some shoes and boots to Lord and Taylor, but not tomorrow.  What I DID do today was get all of the boxes out of my garage and to the curb to be picked up tomorrow! You can actually see my entire garage now.  I'm even close to having the counter cleaned off.  There are cabinets in there, and the drawers are just right for holding wrapping paper!  I'm planning on making this my gift-wrapping center.  

I'm hungry again.  This happened last night and I got up and ate turkey pastrami on gluten-free baguette slices with a really strong French country dressing that had so much horseradish in it!  I have an apple by my bed which I am planning on eating in the morning to help me wake up.  

I've been trying to be more mindful as I go through my day, really tuning in to what I'm doing, especially when I am cooking.  It's not meditation, but it's still a mental discipline that I think is valuable.  

I have my alarm set for 7 in the morning to take my cortisol and my welbutrin.  And then I have my other alarm set for 8. What if I were actually able to get up!!  Wouldn't that be amazing!

The more work I get done in these two rooms, the better I'm feeling about everything.  I'll still have to go back through the entire house to get things really arranged right and to cull out stuff one more time.  

I'm still at a loss about how to handle things with the facilities folks.  At this point, I just don't want to call them or anything.    Our next event isn't till the 28th, I think ... so I can hibernate for a bit longer.  

I'm still having a hard time picking out a ceiling fan for the den.  They just don't make what I want, so I'm having to just go with what I can find.  I'll have to see if there is a Quorum place anywhere close.  They seem to have the best fans.  

I want to see a wolf so bad!  No ... more than that,  I want to be friends with a wolf!  Shoot!  I want to OWN a wolf!  I just found out that there is a wolf conservancy center just 46 minutes away.  So, guess where we'll be going soon!  I know my husband will have the BEST TIME!!  Because, you know, he loves the wilderness and the great outdoors and creatures like wolves so much.  (Dripping sarcasm!)

Well, good night.  I'm slightly encouraged and I hope you are being me raged as well in whatever difficulties or challenges you are facing.  


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