Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Day 133 - Woke Up and Stayed Awake Today!

Dear Friend, 

I really did.  I stayed in bed, mind you, and looked for artwork for one particular wall in the house -- I don't know what I'm going to do here! -- and I started a new dystopian book series.  Oh, I also ate my apple in bed.  Ooh!  Maybe I can get my husband to start bringing me coffee in bed again like he used to!  That would be AWESOME!!

When I got out of bed, I felt strange, though.  I felt ... relaxed?  I don't know, it was kind of weird.  I just sat in my favorite chair with a cup of coffee and read the novel.  

I made myself eat more of a proper lunch than I've been doing.  Just a romaine salad with red bell pepper and roasted chicken.  I've been out of Coke Zero for more than a week, but I will be rectifying that problem tomorrow.  

I kept searching for a ceiling fan for the den and, lo and behold, I finally found EXACTLY what I needed!  I was so happy and even put a picture of it on Facebook.  Then I started comparing prices and found out it was DISCONTINUED and out of stock everywhere!! I kept looking, though, and I think I finally found something that will be really pretty and unique.  

I worked a good bit in the library and made some real progress in it.  But I found that one of our cats had PEED in a basket on the floor that had a bunch of ziploc bags in it and photos!!! Fortunately for both of them, it only got all over the ziploc bags.  

I was planning on finishing the library no matter what tomorrow, but then I made up my to-do list, and it may not happen after all.  Were giving away almost all of our hardback novels except for John Grisham, Stephen Hunter, and Vince Flynn.  I'm even giving away my Dick Francis!  I've got a bunch more boxes for Salvation Army lining the hall upstairs.  

Didn't go to jazz aeries because ... I didn't want to get up and go out the door and leave the house. Still a touch of agoraphobia.  Still hard for me to leave the house.  In fact, I've even talked my daughter into picking up our dinner items the last couple of days.  

Talk to you later!  Have a good night!

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