Thursday, February 19, 2015

Day 125 - Too Busy to Accomplish Anything of Importance

Dear Friend,

Let's see if I can sum up my day for you.  Hard time waking up, stayed in bed doing Facebook etc until I felt able (and willing) to get up and face the day.  I read over and over that people with dysautonomia are not morning people!  That is so true!

But, I got up, got dressed, took care of the dogs, cleaned up the poop that dropped from my incontinent's dog's diaper, my daily morning task!  No wonder I don't want to get up.  Then I made coffee and a Glutino English muffin (soooo good!) and went upstairs to my study.  I read my Bible and prayed.  Noticing a lot of things about David and Solomon that I had not noticed before.  I defrosted homeless, skinless chicken drumsticks and out them in a slow-cooker to make pulled BBQ chicken.  Realized I was about to be late for my psychoogist's appointment, so I there on my makeup and rolled my hair real fast and headed out.  After seeing her, I got some packages mailed at the post office and UPS, returned some dog things to a pet store, and found storage things to put the zillions of computer games we have in to organize them.  Drove home, ran into the grocery store, came home, fixed dinner, ate and watched Nashville and the very first episode of House.  Bathed, came to bed.  

Really exciting, huh??!  I fixed a really healthy meal, at least.  But I didn't get a single thing done on the house or take care of any of the things that are on my huge to-do list.  I don't have to go anywhere tomorrow, except to the pharmacy to pick up some prescriptions and to the grocery store for some milk and stuff for dinner.  I'd like to think that I can really work on those rooms... But I also have a ton of laundry to do and then, that huge to-do list from yesterday.  So, I'll be juggling the urgent versus the important all day long tomorrow, it looks like.  

I did a little research last night and found that dysautonomia is associated with celiac disease.  I don't think I really understand what that is.  I had been thinking of Chrone's Disease.  If you have wheat and gluten allergies, you she'd be tested for celiac, and apparently that is done by having an endoscopy and a biopsy drawn.  More fun. 

I also found that dysautonomia is associated with and, in facts causes anxiety!  When your blood has pooled because your veins are too loose and you are losing blood plasma through the vein walls, your body releases epinephrine and norepinephrine to try to fix this.  and that produces the feeling of anxiety and panic.  This is interesting because it would explain those times when I am hugely anxious for no reason and I can't do anything to stop it.

So, there's my daily report!  Hope you are doing well.


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