Monday, June 1, 2015

Day 22 - I'm Not Going to Make It, Am I?

Dear Friend,

I haven't posted for a while, have I?  I just haven't felt like talking.  I'm not going to take the time to go over what all has happened this week.  I'll just start with today.  I started The Whole30 Program today.  It's a thirty day diet to reset your whole body.  It's pretty strict: no dairy at all, no soy in any form, no legumes at all (except green beans, sugar snap peas and snow peas), no white potatoes, no sugar or artificial sweetener in any form, no sodas in any form, and ... hardest of all ... NO GRAINS OF ANY KIND!!  Oh, and no alcohol at  all.  The idea is to really clean out your body and break all psychological ties yu have with food.  Their thing is, "Give us 30 days."  Not 365 days, just 30 days of adhering to this protocol.  Some pretty outstanding testimonials.  Oh, and very little fruit.  So ... I'm going for it.  Not being able to have grains of ay kind is going to be the hardest part of it, for sure!  

I swam for twenty minutes Saturday.  Rested Monday.  And then did strength training today for twenty minutes.  I won't do anything tomorrow.  Trying to keep from tearing muscle fibers again.  I'm calling my doctor tomorrow to get an appointment so I can get a Rx to see a ohysical therapist.  The fascia in my outer thighs Sunday night was so tight I was very inhabited in taking strides.  

That's it for now.  


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